Happy Birthday Jackie Schmidt!!!

Happy Birthday you old fa^t. The big 70 will come faster than the big 60 did!!!

Wishing you many more, my friend.

PS how come Marylin is so much younger???
Happy Birthday Jackie.

Gee....I can remember when I turned sixty......it was just a couple or so years ago........no, I think that was 70. Anyway, may your road all be downhil and your aggs little ones.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you! I think Dr. Tims bubble wrap is a good idea, I may have to check that out. I turned 60 at the Nationals in Phoenix this past October and that was a good thing as all the shooting kept me awake. :D
I think that after age 60, age 61 will be anticlimactic. I guess I'll have to ask Mr. Beggs about that.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Happy Birthday Jackie from one of the old guys that used to shoot with you at the old Ponderosa!:D
Happy birthday & watch out!



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Thanks To All

I suppose turning 60 is some sort of milestone. I didn't feel much different than the day before, I was out at a Shipyard at 8:am surveying a boat, climbing around the mud, the muck, and the scraped off barnicles.

I just got back from eating supper with some Familly, mainly my two Grand Daughters. They are 7 and 8. I suppose that is why I hope to make it to 70, just to enjoy watching them grow up.

Thanks for all of the well wishes, and the humor.

Maybe 60 is "the new 40". I will let you all know soon.

Happy Birthday, Jackie. You're just a pup and should have many more years of great shooting left in you. Good luck in the coming season. From one of your northern admirors. Al.