Happy Birthday Jackie Schmidt!!!


Tomball Gun Club
I would like to be the first to wish Jackie a happy birthday. Jackie is 60 years young today.

Concidering the dangerous activities (boat racing and drag bikes etc) he has partaken in this is quite an achievement. :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
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Happy Happy

Hey Jackie
Happy Birthday from Doug in Dallas and may the blue bird of happiness chamber your next barrel......
Just kidding on that (NOT)
Take care man and see you in Tomball

If Gary took those pictures I would view them before they get posted..... Ha Ha Ha
Jackie's only 60 years old

That's IT!!!. Wow....

Congrats, with any luck I will make it that far one day way off in the future.

Welcome to the Geriatric Shooters crowd!


I didn't realize your memory was so bad that you need all of us to remind you of how old you were. Why for me that didn't happen until I was at least ... when was that ... well I'm sure it was latter than ... how old are you?

"Memory is the second thing to go and no I don't rember the first."
thanks for all you do for us here on this forum....half way ..its the easy part now.......makes me just over a month older.....dec 24th....but you are wiser...
mike in co
Here here

it is an accomplishment to reach age 60 for a lot of us who have tempted fate quite a bit in our "ute". Returns of the day to you Jackie. Pete
Happy Birthday from the left, I mean west coast. I passed that marker last August. Crossing into a new decade of one's life has a little different feel to it than the birthdays in between. I wish you good health, prosperity.....and small aggs.:D
The difference betyween 50 and 60

If you die in your 50's " He was so young!"

If you die in your 60's "Well, he lived a good life!"
jackie ...

Welcome into the club of wise old men !!! Well ... maybe just old men. Hope your special day is filled with fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! ;)
Happy birthday Jackie....60yrs old...wow...sounds like you need a vacation to amster....Hope I get around as well as you do at 60yrs young....

60 the new 80

Jackie, Despite your many life threatening past escapades both self inflicted and inflicted by others you have managed to make it to 60 ( 600 in hamster years). Here are some helpful senior citizen products you may now find useful: Preparation H in 55 gallon drums available at Costco, Dick Clark rejuvenation cream, scrotal botox injections, the latest article from the New England Journal of Medicine "learn to walk on your hands and defeat gravity" and the popular bestseller "My Bowels and Other Endlessly Fascinating Conversation Starters". So get with it. Grow a pony tail to go with your bald spot. Buy a Harley and join the Road Geezer motorcycle club. Cultivate a luxurious thatch of nasal hair. Learn to drool like a pro and embrace 60 the new 80. Tim
How to follow Tim?

I can't think of anything very witty to say (especially following Dr. Tim) so I will just say thanks for all of your helpful insight > you've made me a better shooter.
Happy Birthday!!!! From the West Coast

Dr Tim.

is that a harley or a harley trike conversion? most of the geezers now days are looking for the 3 wheeler to help balance when they fall asleep.
jackie ...

Here are some helpful senior citizen products you may now find useful: Preparation H in 55 gallon drums available at Costco.

No need for this stuff. Just buy a good supply of soap bars and a few soft wash cloths !!! Use at least once a day. ;)
Harley trike conversion

Jerry, the trike is a must for Jackie. As you know he has a past history of abrupt departures from fast machinery such as drag bikes and racing boats. He now at the age when he will need quad focals just to find his teeth in the morning if he can remember where he left them. So perhaps the motorcycle is a bad idea. A much better plan would be to encase himself in multiple layers of bubble wrap just for walking around. That way when he falls asleep and falls down the popping noise will wake him up. Tim