HAMMERTIMEs' first ARA card


I went to the range this evening with my 10/22 style bench gun (HAMMERTIME) got it sited in with a my new scope and run a ARA card with $10 box of ammo and shot a 2125 and I made 3 mistakes , but I think I'm on my way to getting close , I am going to the test center this month , then maybe I can do a little better next time . I scored it the old fashion way ,my wife is working with the scoring program now but having a hard time with it


Ron has been very KIND and helpful to Lisa THANK YOU VERY MUCH RON Target scanned you be the judge

Joe, A 2175 on the ARA target, with a 10-22, is OUTSTANDING !!!!! Gonna jump in with you chasing the perfect 2500 with a fine lot of that 10 buck stuff from a good buddy. LOL. Would start now, but its headed for 10 degrees and gusts to 37 mph. Charlie ps: what is the pot up to??? I'll throw some in when sell the worlds largest deer blind.