H322 or LT32 for 6PPC



First off I'm not super benchrest shooter, I'm in small town ( only shoot against myself, sometimes I win sometimes I loose). I had a trued Rem 700 w/ Jewel & BR stock in a 6PPC. I wasn't good enough to keep chasing tune (always giving me fits..1's or 2's turn into 4's from AM to PM). It wasn't the guns fault I just could'nt keep it in tune with N133. I rebarreled it to 30BR and now can agg in the high 2's low 3's. Retired a year ago and just decided I wanted to try a custom gun so I just bought one from the classifieds here (HFVINC gluded in Panda). I bought it mostly for the 30BR barrel but I will get 6PPC barrel with it also. I AM NOT going through the pains of N133 again, I did some searches here and it looks like H322 or LT32. I'll have to order my powder in (will get 8# jug) so which one do you think??? I've got a couple hundred 66gr barts ultras coming with it, so I'll start with them. this is the rifle by the way.... http://benchrest.com/class/index.php?a=2&b=9013 Thanks Harv
Nice looking rifle. With your other PPC, were you loading at the range? If I were going to load at home, and was a good note taker, I would probably try LT32 (broader nodes than 133) with a tuner for at the range adjustments. IMO there is no powder that will let you get away from having to make at the range adjustments for a 6PPC, unless you come with a variety of loads.
Boyd, I do load at the range in a 6x12 utility trailer that I set up. I do plan on putting a extra Ezell tuner on it. By the way the 30BR on the rem action is the one that had the PPC bolt face and you told me about turning down the rims on the br case to fit it, worked like a charm...Harv
Powder Choice

If I were you, I would buy as much LT-32 that you think you will ever need. I've tried most all available powders for the 6ppc and 6 Beggs cartridges. I agree, N-133 seems to be the most sensitive to changes in atmospheric conditions but when the load is right on the money, it's hard to beat.

Most of my shooting is in a 100 yard test tunnel. I chronograph every bullet that goes down the tube and I've noticed my extreme velocity spreads have been cut in half since switching to LT-32. I throw all my charges with a Jones measure after setting it with a balance scale. I get and stay in tune with my tuner rather than change the powder charge. It's much easier and quicker and can be done at the firing line. I encourage you to learn how to use your tuner. They are as simple as focusing your scope.

BTW,, nice rifle. Enjoy.

Gene Beggs
I would lean more to the LT-32 and would suggest you try some LT-30 both work extremely well in the 6ppc and you can double down by using the LT-30 in your 30 BR. LT-30 was developed for the 30BR, but was found to work really well in the ppc. Good starting point for LT-30 is around 27.1 grs for the PPC!
Gene, thanks for the input. I use a tuner on the 30 and it still seems amazing how easy it is to come back int tune with it.
Steelhead & Zdog thanks for the input, beings I live/shoot in a very dry part of the country I'm going to go with L-32 and by the way I did some prelim with LT-30 and the 30BR. What I seen is it wouldn't come close to H4198, maybe just my gun but, best I could get was 1/10 bigger ( and man does that powder stink). I also got a PM from a friend of mine on here, Tim Singleton, and he suggested LT also so I'll give it a try.
I'm getting a few Barts 66 Ultras also with the deal to start with but I think I might look into the Berger column's also.
Once again Thanks for the replies. Harv
This is my third year of benchrest. I shoot both 133 and LT32. I finished 7th at SS. I shot Barts 68 BT and 28.3 of LT32 lot 1 all week. Went to IBS nats and that WOULD not shoot switched to 29.2-29.8 133 from 2013 finished top 20 in 4 catagories. I think you need both powders at least in my experience.
Bill Greene (aka Trout)
I've been shooting LT-32 in our HV 6 BR for the past 18 months (and recently started with it in my PPC). I've had excellent results across a wide range of temperatures and humidities. I'm in Northern Virginia so its seen everything from 30 to 90 degrees and dry to moist air. I do dial to the conditions but so far so good.

BTW, we built the gun in 1989 and it shined with old Scottish 322. Sadly that stuff dried-up years ago (though we still have 1 jug left).

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OK just ordered a jug of LT-32 and a box of column's to try. Money for the gun is in the mail so in a couple weeks I'll have it and throw the tuner on it. I'll let you know how it goes.. Thanks everyone Harv
Gonna' have to swim against the current here, guys. After struggling with a 30 BR in IBS Score for three seasons, I went back to a PPC last year. BAT in a Bruno/McMillan stock, Krieger 1-13.5" twist, Jewell trigger, Leup 45X Comp. Bought 24 pounds of Lot #6 and Lot #10 of LT-32 and 1K Berger 65 Columns, 500 Bart's 66 Ultra's and 1.5K of Bart's 68 Ultras. I lit the powder with '09 vintage Wolf SR mag primers. Used anywhere from 27.8 to 29.3 gr. Velocities ran from about 3320' to 3450' per sec.

Sometimes it shot the lights out - other times it was difficult to keep them in the 10 ring. It took me a while to realize that when it was either cool (or cold) and dry, or warm and dry, it shot very well. But if it was cool (or cold) and damp, or warm and damp (or humid), it had a lot of variability. Here in New England most mornings the humidity is quite high, while in the afternoon it can be in the 30% range. That load that worked so well on a warm, dry Wed afternoon, shot just miserably Sunday morning when it was 50 degrees with 80% humidity.

I also found it to be very dirty burning compared to N133, vintage 2015 BR, and the new XMR 8208. I believe it burns dirty because of the amount of deterrent coating on it. With such tiny grains it has a lot of coating to keep it from burning too fast. That also may account for the moisture related effects I experienced with it. Maybe the heavy coating attracts more moisture than other powders, thus affecting the way it burns. Can't say for sure but it makes sense(?).

I've noticed that many southwest and western Group Shooters use LT32, while here in the east hardly any. Check the equipment list on the recent southern 3 day group shoot. Out of a couple of dozen plus competitors only 2-3 used LT32. Most used 133 and a few 8208.

For-what-it'-worth my advice is not to load up on it. Buy or bum a little from someone and try it under both damp and dry conditions. You might also want to buy a pound of XMR 8208. You'll find the 8208 about a grain and a half "slower" (burning) than LT, but it is very consistent. I shoot the same load from 50 to 80 degrees, and it is unaffected by moisture.

One poster mentioned using LT30 in a PPC. I haven't tried that so I can't say whether it works well, or not.

My LT32? Have 17# for sale. I'll have it at the IBS Score Nationals being held in Augusta, Maine, on the 22-23rd of this month. Good luck with your program. :)

Zdog (that's Zee-dog! Chris Mitchell)

Do you pre load for score matches?

OK just ordered a jug of LT-32 and a box of column's to try. Money for the gun is in the mail so in a couple weeks I'll have it and throw the tuner on it. I'll let you know how it goes.. Thanks everyone Harv

There are many good custom bullet makers. I am having good consitant results with Bart's 68 BT. Lowell has a new BT that is good, and there are many others. Not sure about columns. I like like a bullet made by a human pulling the lever.

Not trying to hijack the thread, but I think a whole slew of questions could be answered if shooters had a good working knowledge of density altitude. That bullet is just a piston moving a column of air out the barrel, and air density means EVERYTHING to the bullet's consistent exit from said barrel. At that point it's on it's own. Gene Beggs has a tight grip on air density and I encourage him to chime in....maybe a multi post tutorial on the exact science involved. This is also highly related to the use of tuners.
What do ya say, Gene?
Ive found lt powder to go downhill very quick riiiight after the super shoot timeframe. You need 133 and lt32. Any other powder wont even let you beat yourself on some days. Crazy drastic changes (even tho i do shoot a lot of benchmark, 2015br and 322 just cause im used to it) but for a newbie in the summer 133 is all you want or need. Of course your mileage may vary and im sure it will!
I can tell you

First off I'm not super benchrest shooter, I'm in small town ( only shoot against myself, sometimes I win sometimes I loose). I had a trued Rem 700 w/ Jewel & BR stock in a 6PPC. I wasn't good enough to keep chasing tune (always giving me fits..1's or 2's turn into 4's from AM to PM). It wasn't the guns fault I just could'nt keep it in tune with N133. I rebarreled it to 30BR and now can agg in the high 2's low 3's. Retired a year ago and just decided I wanted to try a custom gun so I just bought one from the classifieds here (HFVINC gluded in Panda). I bought it mostly for the 30BR barrel but I will get 6PPC barrel with it also. I AM NOT going through the pains of N133 again, I did some searches here and it looks like H322 or LT32. I'll have to order my powder in (will get 8# jug) so which one do you think??? I've got a couple hundred 66gr barts ultras coming with it, so I'll start with them. this is the rifle by the way.... http://benchrest.com/class/index.php?a=2&b=9013 Thanks Harv

That rifle you're geting from that HFV feller,, LT-32 is the choice of the two powders you mentioned. I know for a fact ,, he/she shoot T-32,, T-8208 and Lt-32.. If you had some Sottish 322, it would work equally as well ,,, but cha can't have mine.. That HFV feller is getting great velocity from all these powders... Please don't insult that barrel w/133

shot LT-32 for most of the last year.
I went back to N133 at the last tournament. Things were much improved....
I think that the sucess or lack of sucess with the new LT powders is directly related to theregional weather that you shoot in! Here in the west withthe higher temps and low humidity the 2 powders are being used with great sucess, there are even a few shooters that are blending equal parts of LT-30 & LT-32, two of those shootershave done extemely well, with one shooting two teen aggs and one that was very close to a teen agg, and won the 2,3 &4 gun aggs! Just my opinion but its the only explanation that makes sense to me! Justlook at someof the match results equipment list for out west verses back east!