Gun weight/scale error question

i once shot a multi-day long range match.
every rifle was on the scale, after each relay, every day.
gun weight scale error

That one ounce was for the check weights.
I got chewed out by grossbrier on it'
I once allowed if weight seem off.
That refers to the check weight.

Today we use the postal scales and they are pretty accurate
If you want to enforce the weight rule, the scale needs to be checked by certified weights. There are companies that offer the services. The weights should have a sticker and date of certification.

How many times have you seen people change guns during a match? How do you keep up with that?
Cheating in this Benchrest game is like any other low-lived doing. If they can live with it.

Some where some time a judgement will come.

Jerry - the check weights and scale were handed over by James Messer. I lost the weights at the Shamrock and the scale wasn't good enough to weigh within the check weights. I "worked on" the scale and got it to weigh within the weight limits but couldn't have possibly DQd anybody that didn't make weight. Used that scale just for "show" until I could come up with another scale. I think it was Mickey Coleman that donated a pretty good scale and we were good to go until I lost the weights. Pat Ferrell said they were having some weights made and she would send me some when that happened...and it seems it never did for whatever reason...I don't remember.
The trend seems to be what rule will we enforce this match, or what one's will we not enforce. You almost need a lawyer with you to break down the rules....... lol jim
We had a certified check weight in the NBRSA Eastern Region for a period of years. It was one of the responsibilities of the Eastern Division Czar to bring or have the weight sent to each registered match. I don't know what ever happened to that weight or that practice. I do have a certified weight that I use for my own purposes and used to bring it and my scale with me when I conducted the IBS matches at Harrison and East Tawas. I did find that the Jackpine Savages don't care to follow rules.

We have a weight that Dana bought from NBRSA and we check!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NBRSA is .5 ounce and IBS is 1 ounce allowed over the stated weight of the stated class. Weighing rifles at Super Shoot has never been a issue. In past we weighed everyone, now we spot check and if you are shooting well or we just want to check weight on someone we do. We have a set of certified weights, plus associations have weights for regionals and Nationals.

We have a very trusting sport as we take for granted that everyone is playing fairly, and for most part I think 99.9% are playing fairly.

I will never forget, I was range officer at Midland for NBRSA Nationals and a very well known shooter had a 15.5lb rifle in LV, for some reasom DQed him on the spot, even though the shooter was quite shocked at weight. I had to recheck scale as I never seen one over by that much. I have seen guys shoot their HV in LV as their guns were same color. Yes DQed on spot.

Rules are rules and no exception. At world championships I have seen guys filing down sides of their stocks as they exceeded 3" rule. I suggest everyone make sure your rifle meets all requirements if going to Worlds, no matter who built them.

Rules are rules and no exception. At world championships I have seen guys filing down sides of their stocks as they exceeded 3" rule. I suggest everyone make sure your rifle meets all requirements if going to Worlds, no matter who built them.


Just had to bring that up EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
Ahh Bill,

Rules are rules and no exception. At world championships I have seen guys filing down sides of their stocks as they exceeded 3" rule. I suggest everyone make sure your rifle meets all requirements if going to Worlds, no matter who built them.


Just had to bring that up EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

Not you:cool::cool::cool::mad:

Love ya man!

Rules are rules and no exception. At world championships I have seen guys filing down sides of their stocks as they exceeded 3" rule. I suggest everyone make sure your rifle meets all requirements if going to Worlds, no matter who built them.


Just had to bring that up EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

Bill. I am shocked.
Williamsport PA. The rules say 17lb or under! Our scales are in the club house and always on. So I tell people before you shoot go and weigh your rifle. If you don't shame on you. And if you make any changes, like a new scope or what ever weigh the damn rifle first.

Joe Salt
Williamsport PA. The rules say 17lb or under! Our scales are in the club house and always on. So I tell people before you shoot go and weigh your rifle. If you don't shame on you. And if you make any changes, like a new scope or what ever weigh the damn rifle first.

Joe Salt

Joe, you are relying on honest people to go in with the same gun and or the same bolt and mirage shield. Long walk through the cleaning area and crowd......... jim
Jim there are some guys like that! But could you or I do it, Then look at yourself in the mirror the next day I don't think so. You would be surprised at the guys that are at 16.95 then have it rain and put the wet gun on the scale only to be over. It doesn't take much. My heaviest one is 16.43.

Joe Salt
We use to have a guy, when we were shooting score at WWCCA, back about 20 years ago, would walk down to pick up his target, have a .30 cal bullet in his pocket and punch it through a 6mm hole to gain an extra point. When Pete, who was the range conducter at the time, noticed this, he implimeted the range would have a target person to go down and pick up the targets. That guy never showed up again, in actual fact, that guy argue the fact a target person, hired by the range, would go down and pick up his target. He has never shot again in competition, so what do you need rules for?
Cheaters usually don't last to long! They always get caught sooner or later. If you think someone is cheating keep an eye on them and let them know your watching.

Joe Salt
About 15 years ago we used to have Club Matches at a local Range, with a good turnout. The format was 100-200 yard Group. NO MOVING BACKER.

We had a couple of shooters who would occasionally show up and shoot great aggs. But, they would never shoot a Registered Match.

Any guesses why?

That is why when I started up the Tomball Club Matches 8 years ago, it was decided we would shoot score.

Either you hit the dot, or you don't. No wondering about how many shots a shooter had on his target.
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So, if we cheat does this make us criminals?

Brother Dave Gardner once said "Make everything legal, that way there won't be no crime"!

That one ounce was for the check weights.
I got chewed out by grossbrier on it'
I once allowed if weight seem off.
That refers to the check weight.

Today we use the postal scales and they are pretty accurate

The "One ounce " allowance referenced in the IBS rules is for scale error. A person who builds his rifle 1/2 or 3/4 oz overweight will eventually get himself into a situation where he is weighed overweight. Despite all his moaning and complaining he brought the problem on himself and is most definitely illegal.

I do not ever remember "chewing" Gerry out, I do remember on several occasions setting several people straight that the one ounce is not for the convenience of the Gun builder. I try to build my rifles a couple ounces under weight (admittedly I do not often shoot 10.5)

Dick Grosbier

PS: I believe it was Jackie who stated "without check weights nobody can be DQ'd for overweight". This is true , digital scales may, and generally are high resolution. which is no real guarantee they are at all accurate.