Grunig & Elmiger RACER World Champion Small Bore Rifles are coming to the U.S.

The testing proved the G&E Racer WCR as a definite benchrest contender. The rifle is back in the 3P stock and is available for sale to a 3P shooter for $7,500.

The G&E XRacer, a no frills Racer WCR, came out this year. G&E XRacer barreled action can be fitted with a Lilja or Shilen Octagon barrel from the factory for about $3,200 (depending on exchange rate at the time of order).

I have two new G&E XRacer barreled actions with a factory installed 24" Shilen Octagon barrel and the factory trigger set to the lightest possible single stage trigger pull on order. They should be in by mid September. One will be installed in the red Master Class stock I used for testing the Racer WCR with and the other will be sent to Master Class to be fitted in another benchrest stock to make a 10.5 class rifle. A Hoehn tuner will be fitted to each rifle.

Then the testing will begin again. These will be dedicated benchrest rifles. Not 3P rifles forced into a benchrest role. I fully expect these rifles to be dot killers!!!

Thanks for your interest in G&E Rifles,

Very Cool Project Marc, Was nice meeting you this past weekend. Look forward to seeing your project continue. Look forward to seeing you again sometime. Great display of "weather Reading" the past weekend, impressive, to say the least..

Thanks Pete. It was great sharing a bench with you.

The first two G&E XRacer Barreled Actions have arrived. The XRacer is a stripped down version of the Racer WCR (better suited to benchrest applications). That reduced the cost from around $4,300 for a Racer WCR barreled action to around $3,200 for a XRacer barreled action.

These two have 24" factory installed Shilen Octagon barrels and the triggers have been setup at the factory to be able to be adjusted to less than 50g (the standard 3p trigger won't adjust to less than 50g). One will be setup with a Hoehn tuner and a Master Class benchrest stock this week.

I will post the factory test targets later today and future test targets as testing progresses. The XRacer will be available for demo at the upcoming ARA Indoor Nationals at the Rocky River Barn on December 1st & 2nd.

XRacer w/24" Shilen Octagon - factory targets

Here are the factory targets. 10 shots @ 50m No tuner. I expect this to get better with the addition of a Hoehn tuner. Marc


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Marc, were you at the Barn in December? If so, I talked to you briefly. I was the dumbass shooting off sandbags....front, and rear....finished last.

I saw you, or your rep talking to a stocker about how to bed the action. What did you come up with for bedding, and what have your later tests shown about the adaption to BR. If I have missed the updates on another thread, point me the right way.

Any chance they'd make it in a left port?

Thank you for your contributions to this forum, and response. Good afternoon.

Doubt a tuner will improve.

Hi Fred:

I have had a Racer for over a year now, and have had a chance to do some extensive testing with it.

They do respond very well to the use of a tuner (I am using a Hoehn now), and are an exceptional system. An extension tube system (with a tuner) is shown on their website, and will be offered soon - if it isn't here already.

All in all, very pleased with this rifle!
