GREAT NEWS !!!, For a Change


Al Blackwell
I am THRILLED to report that George Kelbly Sr. has gone through extremely successful heart surgery yesterday. The doctors at Cleveland Clinic performed heart surgery for six hours and corrected his heart beat. As some of you know George has had heart issues in the past and this one put everything in normal function. George is the BIG brother I never had and we are like family and monitor each others medical challenges, so this news is the best for me.

Please add your good wishes here so George knows how important he is in the Benchrest Sport. He has been a true pioneer since the early 1950's and helped Benchrest in:eek: so many ways, let's tell him we appreciate it.

God Bless and a hope you have Speedy recovery! Looking forward to seeing you at the SS!

Hoping for a speedy recovery George, looking forward to seeing you at the SS next year.

Dan Honert
He's tough...

Very good news.... AT least now you will have Howie in the area to help nurse you back to health.

Take care

Wayne & Pam

Very good news.... AT least now you will have Howie in the area to help nurse you back to health.

Take care

Wayne & Pam

I just can't get my head wrapped around Howie and wife moving to North Lawrence, Ohio, talking about culture shock for both the community and

Dan Honert
Great news and good recovery George

Really look forward to see you in excellent shape please take care as May will be here in no time! Carlos
I am gratified to hear that you are doing well. Icons of Benchrest like George Sr. and Walt Berger are needed today more than ever. May you continue to heal and hope that you can get back to shooting soon. James Mock
God bless you George, glad all turned out well....
And yea Wayne Howie will be good for George, don't know if Ohio is ready for him yet though.:rolleyes:
Get well soon George see ya at the super shoot Ken Rossing
Good News indeed

Everytime I hear about a successful surgery, it makes me want to know the names of the Doctors and the Hospital, in case I need to make an appointment.:)

When you start getting older, access to the best health care becomes increasingly important.
The Cleveland Clinic is the best in the Nation. Unfortunately, it is too far away from my zip code
in case of an emergency.

I wish for a speedy recovery for George Kelbly Sr.

Heart surgery to George Sr. is no worse than a hang nail.

Get well quickly please Sir!!!