Got to see someone shoot 25 X's for the first time!

josh shrum

New member
I can post this now that it is up on the IBS website.

I was lucky enough to get to see Dave Short shoot 25 X's at Sulphyr Springs on Sunday (30 X's if you count the warmup).

Dave has been helping me get started in Benchrest this year by lending me equipment and teaching me boatloads about the game!

Congratulations to him on shooting 25 X's!!
yes, congratulations to him. Very well done. I saw that not IBS website. a bunch of good scores in that match.
yes, congratulations to him. Very well done. I saw that not IBS website. a bunch of good scores in that match.

That range usually produces high x counts. Congrats Dave, you will be the 32nd person to be inducted into the IBS 250-25X Club. Looks like you haven't lost your touch.
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I can post this now that it is up on the IBS website.

I was lucky enough to get to see Dave Short shoot 25 X's at Sulphyr Springs on Sunday (30 X's if you count the warmup).

Dave has been helping me get started in Benchrest this year by lending me equipment and teaching me boatloads about the game!

Congratulations to him on shooting 25 X's!!

Congratulations to Dave. 25 X's. is no easy feat.
Congrats Dave, you will be the 38th person to be inducted into the IBS 250-25X Club. Looks like you haven't lost your touch.

Less than 38 people, I think I counted 6 Duplicates so around 32 . Only 2 have ever done it with a LV, Dennis Collins & Herb Llewellyn.
Not trying to steal this thread

But it seemed like an excellent time to bring up an even more select group of IBS Score Shooters , those who have shot a 750 Score at 100/200/300 yds, Dave joined this elite group of 16 shooters back in 2002. Dave appears to have been the third person to accomplish this feat. With a score of 750-30x club.php

Incedentally New IBS Awards Chairman Frank Danisienka recently designed two new Patch's to give some extra recognition to IBS shooters who attained these lofty goals. They are shown below.

Congratulation Dave, and thank you Frank,


They are of course being awarded retroactively to any shooter Frank can reach.

Thanks all for the kind comments. I just started shooting again this spring after Taking an extended break. It feels good to be back in the game.

Congratulations to Dean Breeden for shooting 25X's on Saturday at Ashe County NC with his LV rifle. That makes three times now, and the first time with a light gun. Add to that the 100-200-300 grand agg win, and he had a very good weekend.

I have to say too that Josh Shrum shot very well. This past weekend was only his 7th, 8th, and 9th aggs ever. He's chosen to start out with a LV 30BR, based on the belief that if he can master handling that he should be able to handle anything currently used for short range benchrest. He shot 20X's at 100, was one of four clean at 200 yds for 4th place, and came in 5th in the grand. Great shooting Josh!
Thanks all for the kind comments. I just started shooting again this spring after Taking an extended break. It feels good to be back in the game.

Congratulations to Dean Breeden for shooting 25X's on Saturday at Ashe County NC with his LV rifle. That makes three times now, and the first time with a light gun. Add to that the 100-200-300 grand agg win, and he had a very good weekend.

I have to say too that Josh Shrum shot very well. This past weekend was only his 7th, 8th, and 9th aggs ever. He's chosen to start out with a LV 30BR, based on the belief that if he can master handling that he should be able to handle anything currently used for short range benchrest. He shot 20X's at 100, was one of four clean at 200 yds for 4th place, and came in 5th in the grand. Great shooting Josh!

Quite a feat for a newbie shooter. Congrats Josh on some great shooting. Dean what can I say that I haven't said before, U DA MAN BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER!
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Nice to see these patches

When I started shooting IBS Score, quite a few people wore the IBS ball jackets, which would make a great place for patches of those kind of accomplishments. Of course, one can always find a Safari Jacket and sew them on that but there is very little branding done by any of the shooting organizations and, perhaps it's time.

The closest thing to what I am talking about is Bill Casey gives embroidered Carhart jackets out to the winners of some of the ARA shoots. I think them a far better thing that a plaque that goes into a box.

ON that vein, A defunct Rimfire org use to award a championship ring to their Shooter of the Year, which I also think is a far better thing that an traveling trophy. The year I had the big traveler exactly two people who came into my house asked any questions about it. I would still have the ring to wear to remind me, at least. And I looked into it. Championship rings aren't grossly expensive.

Always thinking, still.

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Congratulations Josh!

It seems appropriate to me to revive this thread to congratulate first year rookie shooter Josh Shrum on shooting 25X's today. Note that this was only his 13th agg fired......ever. When Josh and I discussed going to Sulphyr Springs earlier in the week he told me he intended on shooting 25 there. He stayed calm, cool, and focused all day while shooting 5X's in the warm-up and a 25X match.....just as he had planned. Great Shooting Josh!

Thanks guys!

And a big thanks to Dave Short Customs LLC for building me such a superb rifle.
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would you care to share the details of your rifle, scope and load ?
would you care to share the details of your rifle, scope and load ?


First thing first, I need to mention that in addition to being my mentor in Benchrest, Dave is also family, in every sense of the word.

I purchased a used BR rifle built on a Panda online back in June, not expecting much, and finding out that I had still managed to get my hopes too high. Suffice to say that a galled lug/lug abutment were only the first of a long list of issues that poor Panda had (and that Dave got to fix!). So a few evenings every week I would pack up the rifle parts and head over to Dave's shop where he would work on turning that abused Panda into a real rifle, while I did other things that needed looking after around the shop (building shelves/target frames, moving equipment, etc), some times I even just watched him running the lathe (always fascinates me).

Shortly before the IBS Score Nationals my rifle was finished.

I have already mentioned the Panda action, the rest of the rifle includes:

Krieger Barrel
Jewell Trigger
Kelbly BRFB
Kelbly Rings
Nightforce Fixed 42x
Custom polished trigger guard and butt plate made by Dave

Load is N130, Fed 205, Euber Bullets, and some cheeta blood rubbed onto the brass to make the bullets fly faster.

day 1.jpg

As you can see, both rifle and shooter are pleased with the results!