Got my second dose

State of the state {all of them}

We are planning a vacation in Michigan or Wisconsin this summer. 15 family members renting side by sides for a week plus motel ect. Whitmer and her draconian rules can take a hike. Wisconsin is wide open they told me. They will gladly take my money.......

We don't need a mask law any more than a no smoking law in restaurants. If I didn't like a place with smoking, I went somewhere else if it bothered me. I don't smoke. Funny thing though, the State controlled casinos allow smoking............WTF

I can't figure out how people @ casino's can afford to set at a machine and gamble with a cigarette 5$ to 9$ a pack with a alcoholic drink setting in front of them ? Cost as much as reloading ?

Now where did i leave my Lotto numbers, need to get to Casey's today!!!.
Bottom line is can you trust your own government when you know full well they are not being truthful to you.
Bottom line is can you trust your own government when you know full well they are not being truthful to you.

For an illness that's supposed to be on the wane it's still one of the top stories in the local news here every day. A few days ago it was reported that 68 people in Iowa died from COVID issues in one day. That's a lot considering the daily death toll has been a lot lower. What aren't they being truthful about? Since he chose to downplay the severity of of it then it must be a plot by the trumpists to thin out the population of COFs and other vulnerable souls. 20% of the population here in Iowa is on Medicaid or some form of Medicaid assistance.
i can't figure out how people @ casino's can afford to set at a machine and gamble with a cigarette 5$ to 9$ a pack with a alcoholic drink setting in front of them ? Cost as much as reloading ?

Now where did i leave my lotto numbers, need to get to casey's today!!!.
because they got money somewhere.
For an illness that's supposed to be on the wane it's still one of the top stories in the local news here every day. A few days ago it was reported that 68 people in Iowa died from COVID issues in one day. That's a lot considering the daily death toll has been a lot lower. What aren't they being truthful about? Since he chose to downplay the severity of of it then it must be a plot by the trumpists to thin out the population of COFs and other vulnerable souls. 20% of the population here in Iowa is on Medicaid or some form of Medicaid assistance.

Bottom line the Media has 2,3,4,5,and even more different stories daily, what one do you believe?

It took you to story #4 to figure out the Demoncrats & their funded Alphabet News channels are lying to you every time they open their pie holes!!

Seems some/most need to pull their heads see some light.

And it's been said for decades that J.Carter was as useless as tits on a fish as Commander in Chief.

Senile Joe & Communist Kamala should have Columbian neck ties administered,as the aforemention would be the only option to STOP their lies & un-constitutional B.S.
Pretty sad when one can no longer trust his own government. The same also applies to the news media and the social media sites. Biden, the Left and the Rest are coming after your firearms and you can believe that as being a truthful fact.
Pretty sad when one can no longer trust his own government. The same also applies to the news media and the social media sites. Biden, the Left and the Rest are coming after your firearms and you can believe that as being a truthful fact.

Well he's always been anti-gun and made no bones about it during the campaign. The sad thing is that our fellow gun owners continue to give them reason to want to do just that.
Chew on!!!!!!

Well actually I chose #4 as a smartass answer; not knowing which lies corresponded to which number.

Good Morning Mr., Mrs. or Miss. antelopdundee
I see some sort of a pattern here and I would have to believe that most people on this forum are showing our names. You are a mystery like our government.
We on the other hand are trying to provide helpful and useful information.
You on the other hand are just being a Smartass as you have already explained in the above.
I really hope that you start doing your homework with some of this information that we have provided to you and maybe, just maybe, you will wake up.
Something to chew on.
Enjoy your day.
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Good Morning Mr., Mrs. or Miss. antelopdundee
I see some sort of a pattern here and I would have to believe that most people on this forum are showing our names. You are a mystery like our government.
We on the other hand are trying to provide helpful and useful information.
You on the other hand are just being a Smartass as you have already explained in the above.
I really hope that you start doing your homework with some of this information that we have provided to you and maybe, just maybe, you will wake up.
Something to chew on.
Enjoy your day.

How is anyone supposed to respond when you provide 5 choices for lies, but nothing to indicate what those lies are? Tell me 5 lies about COVID that were on the news yesterday and I'll tell you which, if any, I believe are lies. It's comforting to know that all of those stories about overcrowded ERs and hospital wards are all filmed in Hollywood. All of the videos about food lines, vaccination lines, testing lines are all contrived by the media. BTW why don't those of you who espouse this Chinese plot to kill off us COFs actually provide some evidence or documentation of said plot. I do know personally one respected member here Randy Robinett and we were discussing the V not too long ago as something we don't want to get and we both agreed that getting the shots would be less risky than if we were to contract the virus.
You have a good day as well.
We legal gun owners do not commit the crimes, nor do we sell drugs, do drive by shootings, traffic children, rob liquor stores or commit mass murders. Those folks are called criminals and they surely are not us law abiding citizens.
We legal gun owners do not commit the crimes, nor do we sell drugs, do drive by shootings, traffic children, rob liquor stores or commit mass murders. Those folks are called criminals and they surely are not us law abiding citizens.

Yes, we know that. Regardless they are your "fellow" gun owners; just not the nicest ones. Then again you'd be a fool to believe that law-abiding gun gun owners never go bad. Most of them give the impression of having obtained their weapons in a legal manner or one that didn't prevent them from acquiring the weapon. AFAIK Adam Lanza's mother obtained her weapon/s legally.

So what are you and others doing to help prevent the wrong kinds of people from obtaining firearms?

I don't own any semi-auto pistols or AR style weapons. Could have them if I wanted them. I have one revolver, a few shotguns and some rifles; nothing that is on the take away priority list. If gun owners continue to sit by and do nothing to help keep the deplorables from acquiring weapons, then it looks like someone may do it for them.
Let's not derail the thread, but instead get back to the COVID and shots and the MSM and why all of their stories about the virus are lies.
So which one is the liar here?

Yahoo for putting out the story originated by Business Insider or Greg Abbot for claiming herd immunity?
Yes, we know that. Regardless they are your "fellow" gun owners; just not the nicest ones. Then again you'd be a fool to believe that law-abiding gun gun owners never go bad. Most of them give the impression of having obtained their weapons in a legal manner or one that didn't prevent them from acquiring the weapon. AFAIK Adam Lanza's mother obtained her weapon/s legally.

So what are you and others doing to help prevent the wrong kinds of people from obtaining firearms?

I don't own any semi-auto pistols or AR style weapons. Could have them if I wanted them. I have one revolver, a few shotguns and some rifles; nothing that is on the take away priority list. If gun owners continue to sit by and do nothing to help keep the deplorables from acquiring weapons, then it looks like someone may do it for them.

This brand of muddled pustulence is exactly why Pogo is right...... "We Are Our Own Worst Enemy!!"

(altho you aren't exactly "we".... you're just "here")

"If gun owners continue to sit by and do nothing to help keep the deplorables from acquiring weapons"

pahhh.... irrelevant and iggerant feel-good propaganda, leftist pap.

You cannot, will not, EVER "keep the wrong kinda' people" under control in a free society except by punishing them. They cannot ever be "educated" nor "prevented" nor "controlled".....we PUNISH them. We bring CONSEQUENCES back. In a town where there's only one jail cell, and where you kill the current occupant when you need room in the jail, There Is No Crime beyond the first couple times.

Consequences..... the word means something. "Keep the deplorables from acquiring weapons", gimme a break from your bleeding heartbone. Simple Fact....Your friend HillBillary should be in jail....

Folks like you think you can make swimming "safe" and carry it so far that we now have a generation that thinks they can go swimming without getting wet! What your Momma said was "you can't have your cake and eat it too"

LISSEN to yer Momma, boy!