Glue (Epoxy) for barrel block?



Hi guys...I was wondering what type of glue or epoxy that you guys were using to glue the barrel into a barrel block?
My Method

I put two O-Rings on the barrel so it floats straight in the block then use J-B Weld.
I don't know how to post pictures or I would show you.
If you have a gun that is already are you getting the marine tex gray to release so you can get the barrel out of the block? thanks guys!
DevCon Plastic Steel

I used Devcon Plastic Steel liquid B injected with a syringe. Seems to be working well so far. I used the same method Lynn does. I can e-mail pics if you want.

I will ask Alinwa if he can post a picture of my set-up.
I use Carnuba Car Wax like you shine up your car with as a release agent because it has a round pad in the container that makes smearing it on the barrel very easy and even.The O-Rings keep the barrel well centered but they also keep the barrel from sinking in the J-B Weld.
thanks a lot guys! i really appreciate the info!
Here are Lynn's pix


BTW, gunsrosessmith, are you Pete? From Rifles-N-Roses? :)


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Man, I ain't NEVER been accused of being subtle before!


And nawww, it wasn't an Axel Rose reference. There really is a gunsmith named Pete around here whose business is Rifles-N-Roses... now mebbeso HE'S a fan. "Welcome To The Jungle" .... ;)

For those who are curious, Pete's name "Rifles & Roses" originated because Pete builds rifles on the side, and his wife does floral arrangements on the side. Pete is a Helluva sillouette shooter with a butt-load of trophies.
Oh, and Alinwa,
While you may not be very subtle, I've never found you to be obnoxious with your opinions nor insulting with your responses, regardless of how direct they may have been. You always call a spade a spade, and that's the way it should be.