Global Warming

Bill Gammon

New member
Excuse me for these two photos, but I have to go to my global warming event. The first picture is 2013, the second picture is about 5 mins ago.


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well it isn't shirt sleeve weather here in Wisconsin, 1 snow fall 3 weekends ago wasn't much - melted . lows in the teens -20's highs in 30-40 range depending on where you are in the state. Enjoy it will turn White soon enough. Once that happens the highs will maybe 20 and lows in the 0 or less class.
In Wisconsin it possible to have all 4 seasons in one day.
What's normal weather depends upon your time frame. Here in sunny New England, I like to remind people that "normal" for wherever we're standing is 2 miles of ice, over the last few million years anyhow, and we're just at the tail end of a little 14,000 year interlude. The average inter-ice-age interlude for the last 20 or so ice ages is something like 10,000 years, so we're on borrowed time. Another fun fact, just before each ice age, you get a warming spike, then it's down in the deep freeze for another 100,000 years. When it happens, it happens quick. It just starts snowing, and it doesn't stop. That actually happened about 5,000 years ago in a micro-climate in the alps, and the area just thawed out a few years ago. They found evidence of early stone-age industrial sites abandoned with tools left laying around when it started snowing. Whole forests got covered and they're just now being revealed.

The alarmists like Bill McKibben get all frothy at the mouth about a few degrees swing here or there. When you look at the geologic and ice core record, things look a lot different. Even within living memory you've had some bizarre weather. New England had the disastrous 1927 flood followed closely by the calamitous 1936 hurricane. If today's "climatologists" had been alive then, they'd have been predicting imminent doom. People back then took it in stride.

I read a book called "200 Years of Vermont Weather". It was an eye-opener. As far as extremes go, we ain't seen nothin' in our lifetimes unless we're in our 90's.
Bill, we had a high of 68f yesterday with a forecast high of next Wednesday of 40f. Thus proving our weather is almost predictable as LT32 powder lots!!

Question- are Sanctuary cities like SF any more predictable with all the hot blooded southern border intruders like the slime the SF courts just turned loose? Go frigger!!

A quote from a physicist acquaintance of mine...

What's normal weather depends upon your time frame. Here in sunny New England, I like to remind people that "normal" for wherever we're standing is 2 miles of ice, over the last few million years anyhow, and we're just at the tail end of a little 14,000 year interlude. The average inter-ice-age interlude for the last 20 or so ice ages is something like 10,000 years, so we're on borrowed time. Another fun fact, just before each ice age, you get a warming spike, then it's down in the deep freeze for another 100,000 years. When it happens, it happens quick. It just starts snowing, and it doesn't stop. That actually happened about 5,000 years ago in a micro-climate in the alps, and the area just thawed out a few years ago. They found evidence of early stone-age industrial sites abandoned with tools left laying around when it started snowing. Whole forests got covered and they're just now being revealed.

The alarmists like Bill McKibben get all frothy at the mouth about a few degrees swing here or there. When you look at the geologic and ice core record, things look a lot different. Even within living memory you've had some bizarre weather. New England had the disastrous 1927 flood followed closely by the calamitous 1936 hurricane. If today's "climatologists" had been alive then, they'd have been predicting imminent doom. People back then took it in stride.

I read a book called "200 Years of Vermont Weather". It was an eye-opener. As far as extremes go, we ain't seen nothin' in our lifetimes unless we're in our 90's.

"We live on an active planet."
Going to be 12deg high and -7 for low mid week in Wisconsin plus some snow flurries- course those flurries could become one heck of a storm ( seen that before) and I have seen these kind of temps in Dec many times before.
Going to be 12deg high and -7 for low mid week in Wisconsin plus some snow flurries- course those flurries could become one heck of a storm ( seen that before) and I have seen these kind of temps in Dec many times before.

Yep. Bill is benefiting from the Local NUKE Plant....Vera Carter works there........
My take on it

My take on global warming goes like this. The story of the earth is written in the rocks and ice layers. It's been a lot warmer than it is now and what's predicted. To the point of where for a while it was almost uninhabitable. It will cool down again as well. This warming cycle began about 20 thousand years ago when the effect took us out of an ice age. I am pretty sure it wasn't an industrial revolution of some sort that initiated it. What humans have done might speed the process up a little and the maximum effect might be a little more severe than it might have been.
But I am glad we are in a warming cycle because at the coldest in the last ice age it would have been difficult to grow food north of the tropic of cancer or south of the tropic of capricorn. I read in a journal somewhere that about every 2.5 million years or so a dominant species on earth becomes extinct. I think we could be classified as being dominant and according to the experts we are in that window now. I might go and have another shot of this nice single malt before it happens.
Just like I approach my Benchrest. I don't listen to all the theories on loading, I believe what shows up on the target.

Historic Relationship of CO2 and Temperature.jpg

It seems that when viewed over the past 600 million years the atmospheric content of CO2 and the temperature are not linked as the Climate alarmist would have you believe. Secondly, the average temperature has been several degrees higher. Thirdly, even with 40 times the concentration of CO2 as we are seeing today, the temperature was only 3.5 degrees C hotter than today. So much for CO2 turning the earth into an uninhabitable desert!

This is my favorite least talked about report.

It seems according to NASA that in the past 30 years the vegetation load on earth has increased by 14%. It turns out that the plants like the extra CO2 in the atmosphere and are growing like crazy. In my mind a greener earth is a healthier earth!

When testing a theory, please remember to always look at the results.
To fully understand global warming, it helps to personalize it.

Ole was a bachelor farmer living in North Dakota, just a few hundred yards from the South Dakota border. One day, a group of Government surveyors representing the Public Land Survey System stopped by his humble farmstead. They explained to Ole that when the border between North and South Dakota was surveyed prior to their admittance into the Union on Nov. 2, 1889, a mistake had been made in one section of the border.

You guessed it, the mistake was right where Ole's 80 acres happened to be. As simply as they could, the dutiful public servants explained to Ole that the boundary had now been redrawn. The only real change was that Ole was now a resident of South Dakota rather than North Dakota.

Asked if he had any questions or comments, Ole rubbed his chin, slowly lit his pipe and said: "Good. No more of those damn cold North Dakota winters."
Maunder Minimum

I have been following this thread with interest as is affects us all.

However, can the mighty sun be of more influence than the paranoid greenoid climatoids give credit to?

Just a few hundred years ago the planet suffered a mini ice age - it was not man-made.

Check out such sites as this one it's quite educational.

Also events such as this were quite popular

So who got the blame for all this?

Regards from Australia * doghunter *
Just like I approach my Benchrest. I don't listen to all the theories on loading, I believe what shows up on the target.

View attachment 20422

It seems that when viewed over the past 600 million years the atmospheric content of CO2 and the temperature are not linked as the Climate alarmist would have you believe. Secondly, the average temperature has been several degrees higher. Thirdly, even with 40 times the concentration of CO2 as we are seeing today, the temperature was only 3.5 degrees C hotter than today. So much for CO2 turning the earth into an uninhabitable desert!

This is my favorite least talked about report.

It seems according to NASA that in the past 30 years the vegetation load on earth has increased by 14%. It turns out that the plants like the extra CO2 in the atmosphere and are growing like crazy. In my mind a greener earth is a healthier earth!

When testing a theory, please remember to always look at the results.

Having worked in space radiation effects on semiconductors charts like the one above always give me pause.

Notice there are NO error bars on the lines?

Failing to consider and account for known errors gives an unreasonable picture of what is (maybe) going on.

Proton testing of semiconductors is a nightmare.
It typically takes around 10,000 protons through the sensitive area of a part to have a single interaction that can be observed on part operation and functioning.

And once the satellite is in orbits in orbit it can see very widely varying proton rates.

Depending on the altitude and orbital path.

In the South Atlantic Anomaly :)SAA a 'dip' in the earth's magnetic field) the rate can go to over 10,000 protons per second per square cm from nearly zero in most of the orbit.
Add to that the areas over each pole from the magnetic field holding trapped protons.

And just because the protons are not interacting with the sensitive volume of the part does not mean they are not depositing radiation in other volumes.

We had a new part fail on orbit in less than one orbit.
When tested we found a very tiny sensitive area in the part that allowed a current source transistor to burn out from a single proton strike.

The part continued to fail with events about every 2 years +/-3 weeks for over 8 years of time on orbit.
Four failures over 8 years each within 3 weeks of our prediction.

Our proprietary model of the proton belts, the SSA, and 'space weather' worked better than EVERY other model.
Notice there are NO error bars on the lines?

Failing to consider and account for known errors gives an unreasonable picture of what is (maybe) going on.

And there is not even a SCALE on the CO2 curve! Good science is not reported this way.
My favorite climate alarmist absurdity is "global warming due to human activity is settled science." This indicates complete ignorance of how science operates. Once, it was "settled science" that the earth is flat. As Charlie Daniels says, "How stupid do these people think we are?"

The "climatologists" are not content to let science work. They have to bludgeon everyone into agreeing with them or cause them to be ostracized.
Here is something that I charted (from NASA sunspot data) when trying to analyse floods and droughts here in Oz. Notice the repetitive 11 year cycle. The droughts and floods correlate nicely btw.

* doghunter *


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