Getting a Glued in rifle stock painted


New member
Has anyone had their glued in rifle stock painted? Was this easily done or were their issues?
Can anyone recommend a good painter in or near Virginia.

Take it out of the stock and do it right.

Mask the bedding or mask the action, is there a difference? If you are sure the action is glued in well and are satisfied with the way it is shooting, then do a SUPER job of masking the action and have the stock painted.


BTW, I have had 3 done exactly as I described above. Happy w/ all.
A good painter that does alot of custom work will have better masking experience. I had a really good shooting rifle repainted and it was perfect.
Thanks Gentalmen, that's the info I was looking for. The rifle is shooting great and I don't want to take it out of the stock.
