George Carlin !!! Something different on this Forum.

Carlin's primary gig was to take portions of everyday life, or the english language,and twist them a little, maybe expose what -might- lay within...

He always struck me as far more libertarian than liberal, and as generally funny. I think that entertainers should stay away from politics, and that may have been his way of doing so...

In case some of y'all didn't figure it out, Pacifica lost... And the seven words are NOT permitted on public airwaves. I suspect that the reason your kiddies or grandkiddies are spewing is that YOU or YOUR CHILD has been permitting them to watch or listen to stuff like movies or non-bleeped rap albums... So go get that boy, take the ipod plugs outta his ears, turn his hat around right, pull his pants up and buy him a belt, and get him shooting...

Man, it was a rough weekend - I need some breakfast cereal...

For us who grew up watching Red Skelton, Carol Burnett, and Jack Benny, we know that you can laugh so hard that your sides hurt while never hearing one word of profanity.
I am as socially liberal as the next guy, but it does seem that spewing obsenities has taken the place of comic genius.
I was watching a HBO comedy special a while back, and a comedian was coming on that I really wanted to hear. It was Bob Saget. I pictured sort of a caucasion Bill Cosby.
What I heard was a tirade of profanity that, to me, was totally out of place. The review said that Mr. Saget wanted to explore a more 'cutting edge" comedy routine.
Well, after about 10 minutes, I had enough, and decided that Mr. Saget could sell his "cutting edge" comedy somewhere else.
I did what every American has the right to do. I changed the channel........jackie
Its my guess that cussing started long prior to George Carlins arrival on this earth and I would also submit that most everyone heard those 7 words prior to his tirade on the subject.

One of the funniest comedians I have ever heard was Jerry Clower and I have never heard a bad word in any of his work and it was all extremely funny. I dont condone any cussing in front of kids or in pubilc...ect..ect but I will bet that at least 99% of the folks on this site have dropped a cuss word or two in their time. To think anyone can claim the moral high ground and deride some else for doing the same thing sounds a bit hipocritcal to me.

Whats is the saying about glass houses and throwing stones anyway?

Keep in mind too that a LOT of the comedians who you saw on the Tonight Show, general television programs, etc., etc., who were all squeaky clean on television, also "worked blue" in clubs...

I'm sure that more than a few blue-haired little old ladies went to see a few of the guys while in Vegas, wherever, and either laughed their aged wrinkly butts off, or were quite offended...

IMHO, it is better to laugh.
To call him filthy or a jerk is not something we have the right to do. .

I didn't call him filthy or a jerk, I said he was a filthy mouthed jerk!! I had no right to say that? I had the same right to say that as that filthy mouthed jerk had to say the 7 bad words.

Yes, Charles, make them turn their cap bills around so they look like a ball player instead of an imbecile who doesn't know what the cap bill is for. And yes, do make them cover their filthy butt crack with their breeches like the breeches were designed to do!!!

End if pi$$ing contest.
LHS-The seven dirty words are ONLY slang. They are not curse words as per the bible. Heck they weren't even thought of when the bible was written. I asked myself who made these dirty words dirty words.