Gene Davis??

Will whatever that list shows have Gene's phone number? Maybe you can help me. I have a woodstocked 40X custom SS receiver. It appears that the bolt is hitting the follower and not allowing the bolt to go into battery and cock the bolt. I am not a 40X guy and Gene has done wonderful work for me in the past. He chambered this barrel, but he only had the receiver, barrel blank, and PT&G bolt. I did not include the follower as I didn't think that he needed it.
Gene has Moved I heard !

I heard Gene mioved across the street last month ! Vic Broussard is his son in law and lives on that same street ! Maybe he will see this and get your request to Gene !
Will whatever that list shows have Gene's phone number? Maybe you can help me. I have a woodstocked 40X custom SS receiver. It appears that the bolt is hitting the follower and not allowing the bolt to go into battery and cock the bolt. I am not a 40X guy and Gene has done wonderful work for me in the past. He chambered this barrel, but he only had the receiver, barrel blank, and PT&G bolt. I did not include the follower as I didn't think that he needed it.

Sorry, don't have his number any more, on the off chance he kept it I think it's here if you do a search.
Gene has indeed moved.
As of last month’s ARA shoot at Lancaster his shop was all moved as well.
Gene is having some back issues but otherwise was in good spirits. Until I told him some details regarding the type of back surgery he probably requires. :cool:
Still need his phone number pm me.
