Gas Gun Question

sorry, i didnt see any mention of this being a "game" gun. all i got was someone wanted to burn cheap ammo through it.

Oh, come on lefty... BR is a game too. Not many of us make money shooting. Their game draws several times as many shooters as ours does too, and many of them take it just as seriously as any of us do BR. I've done both and will always be an accuracy nut, but I can see why they like their sport too. Maybe I should have said "sport" instead of "game". Either way, the guy may have had enough ammo to worth way more than the gun. If a customer wants me to make his gun cylce different ammo, I'll explain the pros and cons, and do what I can to give him what he wants as long as it's safe.--Mike:)
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oh come on yourself! there has been no mention of any use for this rifle except to burn up the cheap ammo. yes, if your building a rifle to compete with, then make the rifle run on the chosen ammo. if it is altering a good rifle just to burn cheap ammo, your doing yourself, and your customer a disservice by not advising against it. on the other hand, if you do it just to turn a quick buck....well i wont even say what i think about that.
it will likely cycle , manually and probably for a few rounds, if the chamber is clean to start with.
what happens , is the lacquer will build up over time, esp with a "blasting" session....
clean the chamber, clean the chamber.......while most ar's will go thru lots of rounds with no just aint so with lacquer coated cases.....they also offer uncoated cases and lately a polymer coated reports on the polymer coating........

as far as a game gun...."I have a Colt Competition H-Bar " what he i said i dont like colts.....but this is not a cheap ar blasting gun..........which also means it should not be fedd cheap ammo...but that is repeating myself....

mike in co
ps....merry christmas mike!
oh come on yourself! there has been no mention of any use for this rifle except to burn up the cheap ammo. yes, if your building a rifle to compete with, then make the rifle run on the chosen ammo. if it is altering a good rifle just to burn cheap ammo, your doing yourself, and your customer a disservice by not advising against it. on the other hand, if you do it just to turn a quick buck....well i wont even say what i think about that.

Don't question my business practices or my ethics again. I didn't say anything that I think you should have taken personally. Your insinuation that I'm being unethical is a personal attack that shouldn't be made in any form but face to face. Merry Christmas.--Mike Ezell are aptly name in this are speaking from left field......your comment is out of line.
mike's comment is my should remove/rewrite you comments...and apologize..
mike in co
Don't question my business practices or my ethics again. I didn't say anything that I think you should have taken personally. Your insinuation that I'm being unethical is a personal attack that shouldn't be made in any form but face to face. Merry Christmas.--Mike Ezell
Merry Christmas to you and your families

I would be surprised if the H-bar was being used in 3-gun or similar competition. With a 20" heavy barrel and the fixed carry handle (and sights), it would be rather unwieldy. It is much more suited to CMP (3 or 4 position) shooting in which case I would be looking for much better ammo than Tul.
If he were shooting 3-gun, I would expect a 16" (or a 14.5" with a permanently attached FH) in an M4 or other medium weight barrel and some sort of adjustable stock.
I believe that the guy just wanted some cheap blasting ammo.
Mwezell, though I would personally be loath to modify a first line AR to run cheap ammo, the customer is always right even if he goes against your best advice (as I read your position to be).
Jay, I think you are taking the right (conservative) approach.
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Don't question my business practices or my ethics again. I didn't say anything that I think you should have taken personally. Your insinuation that I'm being unethical is a personal attack that shouldn't be made in any form but face to face. Merry Christmas.--Mike Ezell

i did not insinuate anything, i merely said "IF", IF, IF, IF!!!!! you seem to want to argue a hypothetical so that you can make your case for modifying a rifle to run on junk ammo, when we know nothing more about this than 2 rifles have been tried with the cheap ammo, one ran, and one didnt! If i made a personal attack, there would be no question of it, but i didnt, so relax! i could understand you getting irritated if i had said, mike ezell i think your doing shoddy business and are unethical, but i did no such thing. this is getting carried away, when the two of us are making different points, yours seems to be justifying modifying the rifle under the ASSUMPTION that its a game gun, and my point being its probably not,so dont modify it to run on el cheapo ammunition. until we are given further information, we dont know for sure either way, but myself i prefer not to jump in and assume its a competition rifle. i will work under my own assumption that the OP's client is a typical American who purchased the cheapest ammo he could find, thought he got a good deal so bought a bunch of it, and wants his rifle made to run on said cheap ammo.
Last edited: are aptly name in this are speaking from left field......your comment is out of line.
mike's comment is my should remove/rewrite you comments...and apologize..
mike in co

mind your own business, i did not insult anyone. dont tell me what i should rewrite, or whom i should apologize to! you shouldnt jump in with 2 feet when your not involved!
lefty...the problem your inability to see what you have done......

it appears to me , that you think it is "just" a miss read by mike and that you did nothing wrong....
my comments were to reinforce what mike saw, what i saw and probably others saw......its not a miss read by mike..its a miss print by you.....

mike in co
It's as simple as this. I won't fight about this on here. There is no point. You can be sure if we meet I will get my point across to you in a way that won't be misunderstood, mistyped, or misread. I sign my posts with my real name. That's all I have to say from behind my keyboard. Rant all ya want.--Mike Ezell.
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You guys are gettin all worked up on Christmas over a dirty, greasy, black rifle.
I asked for your opinions without trying to fix the rifle first. I didn't mean to get anyone in a fight on the forum. I just wanted to get the advice of someone that actually works on these rifles, because I don't do much with them.
The rifle is not used in competition, he has enough money to buy what he wants and a Colt is what he wanted.
It is used for blasting cheap ammo at whatever he can find to shoot at & he wants it modified to shoot the Tul ammo. I don't agree with it to a point, but, I know the guy and to him its probably a situation of if armageddon comes with the end of the Myan calender then he may want his Colt to function with anything he can get his hands on.
I'm not that paranoid but having been a soldier for years I can understand the value of having a reliable AR 15/M 16 when you need one and the very best ammo is not always available when the $#^! hits the fan.
I will fix this rifle if comes down to something simple or advise him where to take it for something that I don't want to get into. For now its Christmas and I haven't even bothered to soak it in break cleaner yet.
I will get back with you in a day or two so we can all see where this ends up so take it easy for now and enjoy the holiday.
Jay, you didn't cause any of that. Sorry the thread got sideways. Keep us posted on what you find. The cases should tell you quite a bit about whether you're under or overgassing. I learned a lot about the system when I first started playing with my 30 Major cartridge in an AR. It likes fast powders and light bullets in a bolt gun, and that doesn't necessarilly bode well with particular gas sytems and barrel lengths, but works well when you get the system right with the right powders and loads. It was too easy at first, as the first one ran great. When I started looking for "more" is when things got squirelly and I had to figure out what was making it's clock tick in an AR. It works though, and the US Army Markmanship Unit is now using it in competitions in AR15's. Merry Christmas Jay!--Mike Ezell
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Man, you owe Mike an apology! He is a very topnotch smith and doesn't need to resort to funny stuff to do his job. Mike is always available to help a fellow shooter or gunsmith.
i dont owe anyone an apology. you folks are reading into this something I DID NOT SAY! please point out where i have said he was an unscrupulous/shady business man, I DIDNT SAY THAT. have i said anything about his abilities as a gunsmith? NO i haven't! i am sorry if you people are misunderstanding what i wrote, but you must read the words themselves, dont assume what you think i meant, dont read into it anything i didnt write. maybe i should have been more clear and concise with my wording, but i did not say what you all seem to think i did.
It's as simple as this. I won't fight about this on here. There is no point. You can be sure if we meet I will get my point across to you in a way that won't be misunderstood, mistyped, or misread. I sign my posts with my real name. That's all I have to say from behind my keyboard. Rant all ya want.--Mike Ezell.
you know, i didnt have a problem with you. we simply have/had a misunderstanding which is too bad, it could have been worked out. now maybe im the one reading stuff into this(seems pretty clear to me), but i take your post here as a threat, and that speaks volumes about YOU!
No wonder as you go around this forum and read all the threads about how people cant behave on here and people are always trying to cut each others throats, being rude ect. i would apologize about the misunderstanding (not about what i said, simply about the misunderstanding), but there is no way in hell i'll make any kind of an apolgy for any reason to a man who's making threats towards me! I DID NOT INTEND TO INSULT YOU, MY WORDS WERE NOT MEANT AS AN INSULT TO YOU, OR YOUR BUSINESS PRACTICES, BUT DONT THREATEN ME!
yes, if your building a rifle to compete with, then make the rifle run on the chosen ammo. if it is altering a good rifle just to burn cheap ammo, your doing yourself, and your customer a disservice by not advising against it. on the other hand, if you do it just to turn a quick buck....well i wont even say what i think about that.

just to clarify for everyone, this is what i wrote. no where is there a personal attack, just a general statement that i believe doing this work just to make a buck is wrong. i did not state anywhere where somebody here was doing this, i did not imply it, nor did i name anyone in particular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are all reading something into this that i did not write OR IMPLY!
I cleaned the rifle and checked to be sure the gas system is open. The carrier will not lock to the rear after the last shot on either of two mags I tried & it stove pipes every shot using the TULAMMO.
I just stepped outside & fired 3 rds of some rp brass & v-max bullets I loaded 7 years ago for a prairie dog shoot & they functioned flawless.
I can now tell the TulAmmo is way underpowered.
I just stepped outside & fired 3 rds of some rp brass & v-max bullets I loaded 7 years ago for a prairie dog shoot & they functioned flawless.
I can now tell the TulAmmo is way underpowered.

I'd start by verifying that with a chronograph. It MAY surprise you. It might not be gas related, but rather steel cased ammo and your chamber. You can pm me if you want. I'll go over what I would do .--Mike