Gary O'Cock

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
My friends in the Arizona medical community have informed me that Gary has decided not only to change his sex but actually to change his species legally. I don't know what exact species he is changing to but I have heard several rumors. The most credible lists marsupial as his designated spirit animal. I think Lester Bruno's recent success at classifying himself as an extraterrestrial from the planet Uranus has something to do with this. You guys in Arizona are a unique group of unusual thinking individuals. Tim
Hi Guys;
As a good friend of Gary I can tell you that he is an ALIEN from the planet Bustedass and is a direct descendant of Yoda. He cheats by holding on ALL targets and uses the Force to guide his bullets to the same hole. NO ONE except him can shoot a ZERO AGG without some outside help !!! ( Unconfirmed RECORD, No Backers)
You are correct Tim, Bruno on the other hand is from the planet Piehole, which is a Moon of Uranus. Bruno is a direct descendant of Palpatine (SITH LORD) and is strong with the Dark side of the Force. Bruno also has some of Jabba the Hutts blood, A real SLUG.

Joe Pipola
Phoenix Az.
Oops, i almost forgot

Ah Joe Pipola. Now I remember who I forgot to mention. By now many of you will be familiar with the terms lab leak and gain-of-function experiments with respect to the Wuhan virology lab. These experiments have been going on in many countries for some time now. There was one in the US. In fact they were way beyond viruses. They were actually growing creatures from petri dishes. The lab was closed after a disastrous lab leak when one of these experiments escaped and so far has eluded capture. That was many years ago. The danger to the planet's genetic codes is extreme if this experiment named X-4 ever were to breed. The hunt for X-4 or Joe Pipola as he has named himself has ended. They found him. The government agents sent to apprehend him returned empty handed and promptly resigned. Their resignation letter was short, just two sentences: "No job is worth having to deal with THAT. We quit".
to those concerned over a possible conspiracy by the three mentioned above,
they had a secret meeting on wednesday at a devils cauldrun sometimes referred to as
"ben avery". even the three together could not over come the powers of ben avery, and went home with their tails between their legs. my guess is this will lead to who knows what kind of spells at the next match.
As we all know Tim has lost it a LONG time ago. Tim was placed on an ANTI PSYCHOTIC MEDICATION , Thorazine (chlorpromazine) is his antipsychotic drug of choice. They continue to be useful in the treatment of severe psychosis and behavioral problems (POOR TIM) when newer medications are ineffective. However, these medications do have a high risk of side effects,(Which are obvious in TIM) some of which are quite severe without constant monitoring.His Physician cannot seem to adjust his meds dosage and the psychosis keeps reoccurring to a higher level. He has also been using Propofol (Stole it from Micheal Jacksons stash )
My friends in the Arizona medical community have informed me that Gary has decided not only to change his sex but actually to change his species legally. I don't know what exact species he is changing to but I have heard several rumors. The most credible lists marsupial as his designated spirit animal. I think Lester Bruno's recent success at classifying himself as an extraterrestrial from the planet Uranus has something to do with this. You guys in Arizona are a unique group of unusual thinking individuals. Tim

Full of gas?