Ga State Championship

roger avery

New member
It was a good day of shooting and my good friend professor (humble henry) Rivers was the big show. Henry won all the aggs and was surely on his game. Finishing 2nd was Jim Wooten, who continues to shoot well, at 500-37x then in 3rd was Bob Llwelln at 500-32x Ronnie Long was 4th 500-31x. For those looking for Mr. Rivers scores 100yd 250-24x 200yd 250-15x GD of 500-39x some very strong shooting by all shooters. To show how well the shooting was there were no points dropped at 100yds, well done!! A big thank you all from the Elbert County Gun Club.
Roger Avery
Congrats to Hiz Humbleness for an impressive win. :)

He was worried that shootin' that Hunter gun at the IBS Score Nats was gonna ruin him for good...................:D -Al
Thanks to the Elbert County crew. The match came off without a hitch, and they did their usual excellent job.

Henry, was without a doubt, "in the zone". All the shooters had a great day, and despite a bit of drizzle, conditions were as good as I have seen them at Elberton.


Jim, your and Mike's reputation is gonna' take a beatin' if you insist on hangin' that close to Hiz Humbleness. :D Looks like Henry had new shoes on.

Lucky charm???????.................
Congratulations Henry, that is an awesome score. Looks like you are back to you old self, kicking butt. Good shooting to Jim, Herbie, Ronnie and Mike as well.

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Jim, your and Mike's reputation is gonna' take a beatin' if you insist on hangin' that close to Hiz Humbleness. :D Looks like Henry had new shoes on.

Lucky charm???????.................


I think Henry's shoes are from the new "Benchrest Butt-Kicker" line. At least they sure seemed to work that way ;):D. Unfortunately he won't tell me where I can order some :p:D.

Great Shootin', Henry!

I believe that ties the current IBS Grand Agg. record!:eek::) Congratulations . . . now, don't forget to remain 'HUMBLE'! ;) RG
Snake of another kind

So, we have the little snake, medium snake, and of course the BIG snake, and now here comes the "low belly snake", aka "Snake in the Grass" Humble Henry Rivers.
Great shooting guys.
Way to go Humble

I am tickled for all of you. Wish I could have been there but I had to go Woodcock huntin :). Got to shoot at 15 ( killed 2 ) and watch a very classy German Shorthair do some fine pointing and retrieving ( not that usual, the retrieving part ). Twas a beautiful thing. ;)
At the match in Elberton there was some equipment left at the range. If your missing some Please post your ph# and I'll give you a call to make arrangments
thanks roger!!
Ga. States

First of all thanks for all the kind words, and I would to thank all the crew at Elberton for a great run match, could not have been better,great bunch of people to shoot with. And the shoes oh!! well that is another story!!! :D:D:p

15-X at 200? Wasn't that long ago that 15-X would have been a decent score at 100. Everything was working, congrats.