For those of us with ringing in our ears...

Boyd Allen

Active member
this may be useful information. It is a part of a much larger article. on the internet site Life Extension Magazine, which I found to be very well written and to contain much useful information some of which relates directly to issues that shooters find particularly important, hearing and sight. Here is the part about hearing.
[h=2]Taurine Helps Reverse Tinnitus[/h] Taurine plays a vital role in hearing. In fact, studies have found that in some cases, taurine can reverse the biochemical processes behind hearing loss.[SUP]53,54 [/SUP]Other studies have demonstrated that taurine can almost completely eliminate the ringing in the ears associated with tinnitus.[SUP]55[/SUP]
Much of the damage to hearing occurs not in the mechanical parts of the ear, but rather in the nerve cells that convert sound waves into the electrical energy that is perceived in our brains. Like other nerve cells, these so-called “hair cells” depend on the flow of calcium ions into and out of the cell. Taurine helps restore and control normal calcium ion flow in auditory cells.[SUP]53,56[/SUP]
Taurine improves the hearing ability in animals exposed to drugs like the antibiotic gentamicin, which is notoriously toxic to hearing.[SUP]54[/SUP] And in a boon for the 17% of us troubled by chronic tinnitus (ringing in the ears), taurine may be helpful in quieting the noise.[SUP]57[/SUP] Animal studies using human equivalent doses of 700 mg to 3.2 grams per day of taurine over the course of several weeks demonstrate near-complete resolution of tinnitus with taurine supplementation (the animals had been trained in tasks that are sensitive to distraction by tinnitus).[SUP]55[/SUP] And a human pilot study has shown encouraging results, with 12% of people responding to taurine supplementation.[SUP]58"[/SUP]
Thanks for the info, I have had problems for years with tennitus, and now maybe there is some relief in sight. I only have 1 bone remaining in my left ear(the hammer) the others were removed and I have had 2 sets of prosthetic device both of which failed after 18 months each. I always tied the loss of the anvil &stirrup as part of the cause of the tinnitus however this article suggests otherwise, and I would hope that Taurine is the answer to this continual ringing in my ear.
thanks for posting this information. I always enjoy your posts, as they are always a benefit a lot of folks on here.
........... I only have 1 bone remaining in my left ear(the hammer) the others were removed......

Getting away from the topic of Taurine just a moment, and focusing on the option of surgery;

The thought of having another human (ie; a surgeon) jack with my inner ear SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME. All they have to do is screw up your
equilibrium and you can spend the rest of your days walking sideways while throwing up! About 30 years ago I knew an old gal who was a very successful retired business woman. She experienced a bad inner ear operation. It messed up her balance so bad that the last thing I heard was that she couldn't walk straight and proceed with living a normal daily life. Her family ended up getting power of attorney and putting her away in a home. Only a year earlier I had known her to be a very intelligent and independent widow of good mental and physical health. Granted, in modern times we have micro surgery and other advancements, but I'm just taking this moment to advise anybody who is considering inner ear surgery to be be very informed and well versed on the potential risks.
Risks of Surgery

I'm just taking this moment to advise anybody who is considering inner ear surgery to be be very informed and well versed on the potential risks.

Definitely true for inner ear surgery and also true for any surgery. I've had several friends and colleagues who died after knee replacement surgery as a result of blood clots in their lungs.

Also, it's not widely known that some anesthetics remain in the body for several weeks with variable effects, some of them mental.

Surgery often goes well, but it can be very bad when things go wrong.

12 percent beneficial affect is less than typical placebo results for most medicinal substances.
It certainly is worth looking into. I have had tinitus since getting out of the military. Probably my fault for not ducking down as I dropped the rounds down the mortar tube.
Young, dumb and strong, just the way they wanted us...
Any type of ear surgery is unthinkable, and what has been written above can and has happened. A hearing aid of any type simply makes the ringing louder.
Thank you for this info. I too have loud ringing in my ears, I have not passed a hearing test for the last 8 years, no doubt from 44 years of working in a factory, of course the loud rock and roll music from my youth didn't help.
Dave T
ringing in the ears

Sorry Boyd, but this time you again touched on one of my specialties.

I like to call myself an electronic Engineer with 40 years of analog integrated circuit experience, but the last 10 years of my career was spent working on research and product development for the ear for a company well versed in audiology and electronics. I took the masters program at a local university to learn about audiology and got a license to dispense hearing aids in California.

Let me tell you, the field of Audiology and Otolaryngology have spent a lot of time over the past few decades trying to find cures for Tinnitus. Except for some self help booklets teaching things like constant background noise and amplification, there are no easy solutions!

My advice, don't listen to these miracle cures, all they will do is take your money and make sellers of anecdotal evidence rich.

The only science worth watching is pure, scientific clinical research and one should shun anecdotal evidence. Especially anecdotal evidence from a "Doctor" whose specialty is a field far removed from Audiology or Otolaryngology!

For example, I am a fairly well respected specialist in analog integrated electronics. If I start making claims for state of the art digital techniques, better not pay attention as I have no training in digital electronics or experience in same!

Same with these claims for curing Tinnitus. I am very familiar with the hearing science and also suffer from Tinnitus. But, I am not rushing out to buy the latest wonder drug claiming to cure something I know is not the subject of rigorous research.
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Thank you for your input as I was looking into Turine, which is a vitamin supplement. After doing some reading about it, seems to me that it is touted to do lots of things all positive for the body, so instantly I sense that if its all that and a bag of doritos, why isn't every doctor on the planet suggesting taking it! However at the cost of less than $6.00 I figure maybe its worth tring it for 30 days to see if it has any impact on the tinnitus.
To those that have a fear of ear surgery or any surgery, I would subscibe to the following theory, sometimes you have no choice, I was in my 17th year in the Navy when they diagnosed that due to head trauma I suffered when I was blown into a catwalk and struck the left side of my head during flight ops, the trauma calcified and fused all of the ear bones together, so the Navy decided that I needed surgery to correct it! Second in 2008 I had a Total Hip replaced, the pain of arthritus decay was unbearable, surgery was the only option, and if you look for the best surgenon's that have the best outcomes then the percentages go up for sucessful recovery. There will always be risks, like anistesiologist tell you prior to surgery, you may not wake up! All I can say is if it hurts so bad day to day and your on a regiment of pain killers, get it fixed. Life is a gamble and we are all going to end up the same way, why not live pain free, and enjoying the things that we love to do,SHOOT!

P.S. As someone told me on this site if you need a Hip or Knee make sure the doc is doing at least 100 a year, I am scheduled for Hip Revision surgery Sept 8 14 the surgeon does 1000 hips a year, and is considered the best in the region. I have one of those Depuy Metal on Metal hips under recall!!
Thank you for your input as I was looking into Turine, which is a vitamin supplement. After doing some reading about it, seems to me that it is touted to do lots of things all positive for the body, so instantly I sense that if its all that and a bag of doritos, why isn't every doctor on the planet suggesting taking it! However at the cost of less than $6.00 I figure maybe its worth tring it for 30 days to see if it has any impact on the tinnitus.
To those that have a fear of ear surgery or any surgery, I would subscibe to the following theory, sometimes you have no choice, I was in my 17th year in the Navy when they diagnosed that due to head trauma I suffered when I was blown into a catwalk and struck the left side of my head during flight ops, the trauma calcified and fused all of the ear bones together, so the Navy decided that I needed surgery to correct it! Second in 2008 I had a Total Hip replaced, the pain of arthritus decay was unbearable, surgery was the only option, and if you look for the best surgenon's that have the best outcomes then the percentages go up for sucessful recovery. There will always be risks, like anistesiologist tell you prior to surgery, you may not wake up! All I can say is if it hurts so bad day to day and your on a regiment of pain killers, get it fixed. Life is a gamble and we are all going to end up the same way, why not live pain free, and enjoying the things that we love to do,SHOOT!

P.S. As someone told me on this site if you need a Hip or Knee make sure the doc is doing at least 100 a year, I am scheduled for Hip Revision surgery Sept 8 14 the surgeon does 1000 hips a year, and is considered the best in the region. I have one of those Depuy Metal on Metal hips under recall!!

1000 hips/yr

200 workdays in a yr for normal people, 150 for doctors.....

Whack 'Em & Stack 'Em!

Hey Al,

you would be shocked to know how long it takes to do a total hip surgery! 50-60 minutes! I was amazed when I woke up in recovery the first time, and my wife said you were only in the operating room for 55 minutes!!! Revisions are a bit quicker. My shoulder surgery while in the military was supposed to be 1.5 hours, total time in surgery5.5 hours, and they had to bring the anistesia guy back in because what he gave me didn't work! I was awake for the entire time, and he talked me through it. I did have a Shoulder block so I couldn/t feel anything.
Hey Al,

you would be shocked to know how long it takes to do a total hip surgery! 50-60 minutes! I was amazed when I woke up in recovery the first time, and my wife said you were only in the operating room for 55 minutes!!! Revisions are a bit quicker. My shoulder surgery while in the military was supposed to be 1.5 hours, total time in surgery5.5 hours, and they had to bring the anistesia guy back in because what he gave me didn't work! I was awake for the entire time, and he talked me through it. I did have a Shoulder block so I couldn/t feel anything.

Anesthesia is spooky stuff......
I tried it

I tried the taurine several years ago. It didnt help me but your mileage may vary.
Thanks Boyd

I have had tinnitus for longer than I can remember. I have tried just about every remedy out there. After reading Boyd's post, I thought what the hey, may as well give this one a try and its cheap to boot. Went and bought a bottle of 500 mg capsules and have taken 1 a day for the past couple of months. I am very happy to report that the volume level is down significantly. I would say that the volume is down 75% on average and in the last week I have even noticed a couple of spells with no to very minimal ringing!

Thanks Boyd for the peace and quiet that has eluded me for so many years.

Boyd, I tried the same 500 mg. capsules and i take two a day. I do hear a little better, with the tinnitus does seem lower. I was due for an implant but backed out when i found all the bad that can happen. So i will continue to take it …… jim