Food for thought


An independent may not be such a bad idea if he/she would get some help from either or both sides. That won't happen. It was tried in MN. with an ex body builder governor. He got no help and was out after one term. That's the way our system is. We may not like it, but old Geezers like you and I will not see it happen.
The only one I know of that would stand up to the system is SC. Rep. Trey Gowdy.

But Jesse Ventura went, singularly, against "the system".

Former Ohio Rep. James Traficant tried that...he had an "accident".

Former US Admiral Forestall tried that.. He had an "accident".

US sitting Senator Joe McCarthy....had an "accident". A sitting US Senator, 48 years old, no known health problems, dies at the same hospital Adm Forestall dies....and no follow up??

Trey Gowdy may be an ok person but he doesn't have visual appeal..Sorry but he looks like a dork!

I am also an oldster ! But I see no hope, 53% of the people don,t pay taxes and are getting freebees. They will vote to keep that ! The whole country is up side down. I don,t think there are enough good people to change that. I will keep on voting ,without much hope! Even the good youngsters are mostly Lib,s I am just glad I am old , wouldn,t want to be young again!
Ok people - I am in Australia, so although I am not directly involved in your Presidential elections, the result does affect us. (Cousins & treaties etc)

For the last few years I have practised what I fondly call 'Bottom-Up' voting.

Basically, I put the most detested candidate at the bottom of my list, then the next above and so on.

It can be surprising what floats to the top of the cess pool, and even if it still smells a bit, that's the best that you can do so go with it.

Sure, it's a bit of extra work, but it does make one think about the candidates.

As Hunter said "Why waste your vote?"

* Doghunter *

I quite voting for 26 years,Soon to turn 68 years old. Started again 8 years ago. What i saw and believed 32 years ago is coming true.
It's still a cesspool.
We won't see any change until we get term limit at the Federal and State levels. Limits are good enough for the Office of the President are good enough for congress. We are just a spoil of political wars.
Voting in Oz

Sorry people, I should have explained a bit further.

Australia is one of the last remaining countries on the planet where voting is compulsory.

Fines and penalties apply if one does not turn up to vote.

Actually, whatever one does with the voting form is up to the voter, a defaced form (such as writing "You're all a pack of wankers" or similar endearments on the form) is considered an 'informal' vote. But it's also a wasted vote.

The main thing is to get your name ticked off on the electoral roll lists, else cop a fine. All people aged 18 and over are required to register to vote.

Given that, bottom up voting does work. My local electorate (here in Oz) voted in an independent into a supposedly 'safe' seat.

It has been enlightening to see all the $$$ chucked at my electorate by the cashed up parties that want to regain power in the Australian electorate of 'Indi' and actually, with the 'balance of power' so delicately poised, the movers and shakers need the votes of the independents to get bills passed, so the independents can carry a big stick.

Anyway, have fun. I just hope that you get the best person for the job.

Regards from Oz

* doghunter *