Food for thought


The typical U.S. household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday.
They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and have grown old together.

Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true. But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration.

In school we studied English, history, math, and science, which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don't know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived those days.

We are probably considered old-fashioned and outdated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off. We won World War II, fought in Korea and Viet Nam. We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn't fight for the Socialist States of America; we fought for the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag.

We know the words to the “Star Spangled Banner,” “America,” and “America the Beautiful” by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America .

Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.

It was mostly the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress. You fell for the "Hope and Change" which in reality was nothing but "Hype and Lies." You youngsters have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don't like it after all. You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in their careers or "Climbing the Social Ladder" to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. Many of those who fell for the "Great Lie" in 2008 are now having buyer's remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn't have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the 'Kool-Aid.' Now you're paying the price and complaining about it; no jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom.

This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty, and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house.

Well, don't worry youngsters, the Gray-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2016 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like, but we get where we're going, and in 2016 we're going to the polls by the millions.

This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Eric Holder. It belongs to "We the People," and "We the People" plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the "Gray-Haired Brigade."

Footnote: This is spot on. I am another Gray-Haired Geezer signing on. I will circulate this to other Gray-Haired Geezers all over this once great county.

Can you feel the ground shaking??? It's not an earthquake, it is a STAMPEDE. :eek:

In God we STILL trust!

"Bekinder than is necessary becauseeveryone you meet isfighting some kind of battle"
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I hope youre right shinny. The freeloaders get out and vote- early and often. The silent majority has to get out. I thought they would in 08. Then i said well theyll get out in 2012- still nothin. Now the dems are pushing a damn socialist! What the hell is happening?
........The typical U.S. household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday.
......... snip.........

On average, I don't doubt your statistics. But let's look at Bernie Sanders. He has never been able to hold down a real job. His only serious attempt at work was as a carpenter many many years ago, at which he was a failure since he can't drive a nail. Sanders has lived off the government for his entire life, yet at 74 years old, his net worth is reported as only $300,000. That's pretty low for a person who has been a professional politician for as long as he has.

I'm worried that he's too dumb to steal.
I'll be 76 next birthday and here is my take. If "our side" keeps voting for the John McCains and Mitt Romneys and keep getting the Obamas and Clintons it ain't gonna' get better.

The Donald? I don't know. Uncle Bernie...a big NO!!

What happened according to historical fact; about the turn of the 20th century an ethnic group moved out of Russia and into the US. This group gave us WW I, and the FED. During the time this same mob was running the evil Communist iron booted regime in Russia they were in process of taking over the news, information and entertainment fields in the US. While this bunch, called Bolsheviks at the time, were destroying some 155,000 Christian churches in Russia and killing the church leaders, they were giving us their evil spiel.

Then, FDR, part of that same bunch, gave the evil Communists in Russia some 400,000 trucks, some 45,000 aircraft and over 5,500 armored vehicles to bolster the Communist military. We called it "Lend-Lease".

Meanwhile in Europe, this same bunch, under the guise and authority of the Treaty of Versailles took over Germany from its native Prussian kingdoms. This lasted till about 1932 under what history called the Weimer government.

Meanwhile the US and "the west" were being fed propaganda that led the world into WW II. Germany and Japan, under the AntiComintern Pact of 1936, during that 1936-1940 period, were attempting to contain this evil iron booted Communist expansion But in the midst of this 1920-1940 period these Communists had murdered some 20-40 MILLION of the native White Russians. We simply called it purges.

Thus WW II and the wests attempt to "save" the world took to war against Germany and Japan.

The result of WW II, the Communist, who had already oppressed 15% of the world population came out in 1949 with now a total of 43% of the worlds people and 50% of the land mass. Then the "cold war".

During the latter part of that so called "cold war" part of that , evil US bunch, which was dominate in the US Democratic Party migrated, in part, to the GOP. Simply called, neocons (neo conservatives-new conservatives) moved part of their mob to the GOP AND TOOK OVER.

This roughly brings us up to the mess we are in now where some 75% of the world hates us for our warring on the world. We now have a monetary system, privately owned, who prints our money and charges us to use it. We now have some 19 TRILLION in "debt". Who do we owe that to??? The FED and some of the remainder of these evil Communists.

Its all in written history folks. You may not find it in GOOGLE but it is available and is factual.

Bush 41 called this "The New World Order". Bush 43 took what worldly respect we had left and started this warring on the World all over again.


I'll be 76 next birthday and here is my take. If "our side" keeps voting for the John McCains and Mitt Romneys and keep getting the Obamas and Clintons it ain't gonna' get better.

The Donald? I don't know.

Jerry, I'm voting from Trump.
My vote is not wasted when I vote for who I think will be best. You probably voted for McCain and Romney and they lost, so you wasted your vote!

An independent has about the same chance of winning the WH as I do of winning the SS. The Dems love to see independents siphon votes away from the other party; gives them a slam-dunk win.
Maybe bloomberg will jump in and take votes away from that side. He'll run on the promise of gun control like a democrat but add the anti-slurpee spin. Of course a vote for jim webb will help em out too!
If Trump or Cruz get the nod, finally I will have someone to vote for, in my life hasn't happened since Reagan. If one of those two does not get the nod, start reloading because the country is gone.
Cruz is a politician. What was his job before this/currently? Hes a texas senator from canada. Guess thats like rand paul senator from tx from ky. Im not pulling for anybody that ive paid before cause they have other interests/favors to pay and im sick of it.
I have voted in every election since I turned 21, I'm now 66.

I found years ago there is really not one to vote "for", I vote for the one
I think is least evil.
Ok people - I am in Australia, so although I am not directly involved in your Presidential elections, the result does affect us. (Cousins & treaties etc)

For the last few years I have practised what I fondly call 'Bottom-Up' voting.

Basically, I put the most detested candidate at the bottom of my list, then the next above and so on.

It can be surprising what floats to the top of the cess pool, and even if it still smells a bit, that's the best that you can do so go with it.

Sure, it's a bit of extra work, but it does make one think about the candidates.

As Hunter said "Why waste your vote?"

* Doghunter *
I have voted in every election since I turned 21, I'm now 66.

I found years ago there is really not one to vote "for", I vote for the one
I think is least evil.

I've voted for someone every Presidential race since 1959. I have always voted for someone who I feel would do a good job and for the last 4 races that has been an independent.

It is a shame when voters feel they will vote for the least evil of what was once a 2 party system. Notice I said WAS!!

This country can not be turned around by voting for the LEAST evil.

I agree with you Jerry, but honest decent people don't seem to want to get
involved in politics.

The last person I voted for because of their campaign promises went back
on those promises within six months. He was more concerned about getting
votes the second time than fulfilling his pledges.

I have voted for a lot of people that didn't win but I thought they were the
best qualified at that time, or at least more qualified than their opponent.
I've voted for someone every Presidential race since 1959. I have always voted for someone who I feel would do a good job and for the last 4 races that has been an independent.

It is a shame when voters feel they will vote for the least evil of what was once a 2 party system. Notice I said WAS!!

This country can not be turned around by voting for the LEAST evil.



An independent may not be such a bad idea if he/she would get some help from either or both sides. That won't happen. It was tried in MN. with an ex body builder governor. He got no help and was out after one term. That's the way our system is. We may not like it, but old Geezers like you and I will not see it happen.
The only one I know of that would stand up to the system is SC. Rep. Trey Gowdy.