Foam bore cleaners?


Gary O

Any of you folks pleased with the results? I am considering trying it out on my M4. What say you? What brand? Thanks...
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it'll foam carbon up into the FSB or gas block and dry caking it up. if you slide the FSB off and cover the port then foam it then clean the port in the barrel it'll work fine. that stuff will float everything right up into the tube all the way to the bolt.
Patch Out is the same stuff as Wipe Out but a liquid you patch in the bore, not a foam under pressure. I've been using it in bolt and single shots for some time now and found it works as well as the foam but with out the mess.
I haven't had good results with any of the "car wash" products. We used the car wash stuff (RB-17, etc.) for years in trap guns and it seemed to work ok but it leaves a rifle barrel too dry, IMO. I have some of the new Wipe Out/Patch Out and just finished trying to clean one of my RL-10x barrels from the IBS shoot...didn't do a thing but make the patches feel squeaky.

I'll stick with the petroleum products that Moonbeam Brown and Kalifornia says cause cancer.

The PatchOut stuff needs dwell time. Less if you use the Accelerator, but it still needs it.

I use the WipeOut foam when I shoot something at the range and take it home to clean. I put it in, plug both ends, and head home. Works great.

Greg J.

Gary -

Howdy !

I can tel you that in my Marlin M-336 XLR .35Rem, Gunslik " Foaming Bore Cleaner " works superbly ! I don't even have to use a brush... patches only.

I use Montana Extreme " Bore Conditoner " also, shoving a wet patch through the bore after every cleaning.
IMHO - the conditioner helps keep crud from really taking hold; in the bore.
The first shot out of the barrel is taken " wet ", before going for record.

With regards,

The PatchOut stuff needs dwell time. Less if you use the Accelerator, but it still needs it.

I use the WipeOut foam when I shoot something at the range and take it home to clean. I put it in, plug both ends, and head home. Works great.

Greg J.

Greg, I used the Accelerator and Patchout, overnight and over a three day period. Lots of folks are using those now but I still like petro based solvents best. Old chemistry at work. Butches, MX, Shooters Choice, even though I believe we don't need the ammonia element if the barrel is not coppering. Just MHO.
Hmmm. Something fishy happening there, Jerry. I have very good results with Patch Out.

I have to agree with Greg. I've been using Patch Out w/Accelerator for years and it works great. You do need to give it a few minutes, but I have no problem getting a clean barrel between yardages (100-200 UBR). I leave it longer on Sunday mornings after matches just for convenience. BTW- I do have a bore scope and the barrels are clean.

Depending on the nature of the powder fouling, not only does it need dwell time, it really helps to occasionally agitate it well with bronze brush action. Between cards I just leave it as long as possible. Between aggs I use a brush but clean off the brush with a shot of brake cleaner. When done either some oil or lockease and you're good to go.
Any of you folks pleased with the results? I am considering trying it out on my M4. What say you? What brand? Thanks...

Gary buy the Bore guide and Link from Sinclair. A kit.
Ya know now that I think about don't buy the bore guide kit. Just ram the foam down the tube and out the front. Turn it upside down so it really gets in the gas tube and back up the bolt. 360 degrees of clean, can't beat it. Make sure you rack that bolt real good. Then throw the whole shabang in a foam/nylon case. Toss it under the bed. Then 2-3 weekend later. Pull it out. Grab your pay check and run down to Gander Mountain. They got a sale.

Just a joke. Please don't do any of those things. That foam is a mess. It's water based(rust). It will just screw up everything.
Know the price of a good trigger. $250.
A bore guide, link, One piece cleaning rod, and like Jerry says any petro smelling stuff. I use Butches.
Now I do use Patch out. At home. In a controlled environment. It's water based. It will strip out all lubrication. And I do use a bore scope to inspect and see what works.........

Here's a vid.
Wipeout, Patchout, Accelerator, All Good

I use them all. I use Accelerator and Patchout at the range, and Accelerator and the Foam at home. I use the foam on my AR and have no problems. You would if you plugged either end, however. Do not plug anything. Squirt in from the breach, and use their cone-shaped applicator so it fits tight into the leade. For .222 and .223 I use a bore guide that fits the chamber tight and squirt into the end of that. I let it run out the muzzle onto a paper towel until pressure dissipates. Sure it wastes some, but you get "good on the trigger" in a short time. Always keep your gun upright in some sort of rack with the muzzle pointed slightly down. Swab out your chambers as a last step. These products get all my guns absolutely clean with minimal effort, smell and risk to skin and gun finishes. Yes, I own a bore scope too. My actual cleaning time is minimal and I can do other things while they clean. If a gun is to be stored, I run a patch with Birchwood Casey Barricade at the end. I put patches and the wet paper towel into a sandwich bag using the "doggy doo" technique of turning the bag inside out, using it like a glove and scooping it all up, then reversing the bag and zipping shut.
I'm a big fan of the wipeout/patchout cleaners. Been using them since they came out, I think, and have never found anything better all around. The foam is convenient but wasteful. As much as I use, that adds up to some $$. I use the patchout on most everything, along with the accelerator.
Why so little talk/use of...

Pro Shots # 4....

15+ years use.... GETS copper..... GETS CARBON......... Does NOT hurt Carbon or Stainless barrels...
Even protects the bore in a light coating for months setting...
All I know, those that tried it.. USE it...

Negative... Well as with ANY other solvent... Keep out of triggers.....An.. Some plastics / plastic bottles can slowly
deteriorate in contact with this solvent.

Pro Shots # 4....

15+ years use.... GETS copper..... GETS CARBON......... Does NOT hurt Carbon or Stainless barrels...
Even protects the bore in a light coating for months setting...
All I know, those that tried it.. USE it...

Negative... Well as with ANY other solvent... Keep out of triggers.....An.. Some plastics / plastic bottles can slowly
deteriorate in contact with this solvent.


Hi Cale. Well, the old guy didn't talk about Pro Shot cleaner. JOKE. They do make really good brushes, rods, and stuff. Nice patches.
My local gun shop stocks that. That is a very good question........?????