Florida State Championship, Ron McCormick Memorial Shoot

Come On Down to the Crawfish in JAX!
I just looked at the Brakton Results & it looked like all the Outdoor 10Shot Records are up for grabs! My guess is if the winds are not even ½ bad then both the single TGT along with the 3Gun Record will be wiped out this weekend!!
Just a Thought

***** I believe this to be Doug's last post *****

We'll surely miss his good nature and expertise - Wilbur
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Crawfish Results

With sadness in the air over the loss of two of our fellow shooters, we faced the onslaught of impending rain and unusually heavy winds at time, and finished the 4 matches without getting soaked. We welcomed back a shooter who went for a time to Air Rifle and a new shooter he brought with him. Todd Banks came back to the game with a vengeance and a "smoking" 40X. He brought Ken Hicks from the US Air Gun Team and introduced him to Rimfire, I think he likes it? We also had a new junior shooter who shot well for this being his first big match, Kaden Northcutt is a up and coming shooter who shows great potential. I want to personally thank all of the shooters, first for showing up and second for all the assistance they gave me, which again proves that Rimfire shooters are the best people on earth. Below I will name the first three places in each match, scores will be forwarded to Wayne, Kay, and Anna for posting this week.

1. Tony Harper
2. Jim Pherson
3. Hugh McCombs

10 Shot
1. Tony Harper (possible World Record Tie)
2. Bill Smith
3. Bill Schertz

2 Gun Yards 3 Gun Yards
1. Jim Pherson 1. Tony Harper
2. Tony Harper 2. Jim Pherson
3. John Spafford 3. Todd Banks

2 Gun Meters 3 Gun Meters
1. Tony Harper 1. Tony Harper
2. Todd Banks 2. Jim Pherson
3. Mike Cameron 3. Mike Cameron

Once again, Thanks to all who showed and all who shot in some heavy conditions, and especially everyone that chipped in with all the help to get me thru the match. We are looking forward to next year, see ya then.
Hey Thumper,
Ken and I both had a great time. It was great to see old friends again and also to meet Bill Shertz(sp?), Sherman, Hugh, Kayden and his dad. Thanks for arranging for the Sporters we borrowed and for the ammo you gave us such a good deal on. I was shocked when you called my name for the first award, I'm not even sure how to describe the feeling after the last one! I thought my old 40X was pretty well shot out when I sold it to one of our club members and really didn't think it'd be competitive when I bought it back. Now I'm thinking it I need to give it a name!

Do you still have a connection with the Hooters Girls? That was a fun match. 40 50 shooters The good old days. The first time i met Mollica. Life changing for sure. One hell of a guy.


To answer your question, YUP, in fact my 2 brothers and I had lunch there yesterday. One of the girls who shot with us still works there and would like to do it again. Again, you are right about Jim Mollica, one heck of a guy, and a pretty darn good shot also. Hope you and Mel can make another journey down here before I have to throw in the towel also. Stay in touch. Thumper