Flavio Fare' Triggers

In part possibly

All very understandable. What might be worth a note, the Euro has fallen 35% vs the dollar in the last 18 months or so. I would truly love to figure out where that strength disappeared to.

The recent anticipation of an out of control Greece. Then there are problematic economies In Spain, Portugal, Italy...and on. Just a hunch.
Great points Mike, particularly the trigger timing issue. I borrowed a friend's Annie this past weekend. I noticed that the bolt was closing real hard. Took the gun out of the stock and was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of adjustment latitude with both the action (Long trigger slot) and slotted trigger group screw holes. Trigger timing was a snap, top say the least. Why can't all actions be made this way, to eliminate the trigger timing issue? So it would add 1/4" to the OAL of an action; well worth the tradeoff, IMHO.


I very much agree. Having had a few Anschutz rifles, adjusting the timing of the striker is simple and effective. It would be very interesting to see one of the action makers incorporate this capability.
I very much agree. Having had a few Anschutz rifles, adjusting the timing of the striker is simple and effective. It would be very interesting to see one of the action makers incorporate this capability.

It can be done with triggers and/or trigger hangers.
Mike makes a good point...actually it's a little more than a good point.

I returned to rebut that stuff I wrote above the line. After some thought, I realized that I don't know anything about triggers at all except when you pull it the rifle shoots. There are thousands of rifles built to win that fall short of the mark and I don't know whats wrong. Could easily be the trigger in some cases! One incident sticks out and I can't get rid of it. A well known centerfire shooter, one that wins as much as not, had a rifle that gave it up. He couldn't find either cheek using both hands. The rifle functioned perfectly (it seemed) but he changed the trigger and it came alive....Roger Avery is the name, I believe, and if you know Roger ask him about it.

Mike's point remains a good one...but there's more involved that I simply don't know about. Maybe nobody knows!

Kelbly's made a trigger that was aimed at a more consistent release. As I recall it, the adjustment was somewhat limited. I have one in a box some place.

There used to be some people who dis an instrumented study of the entire fire control system, trigger, striker, spring and all looking for both consistency of the time of release, but vibration patterns in relation to bullet exit from the muzzle. It was interesting, but just might drive you crazy. :)
Indeed it can be, but you have to have or make an assortment of trigger hangers.

You need one, either one that provides a forward or back or one that has a screw adjustment if you convince yourself you need fine tuning.
If that does'nt work get the B&A trigger with the adjustable sear bar and tune to your hearts content.
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Kelbly's made a trigger that was aimed at a more consistent release. As I recall it, the adjustment was somewhat limited. I have one in a box some place.

There used to be some people who dis an instrumented study of the entire fire control system, trigger, striker, spring and all looking for both consistency of the time of release, but vibration patterns in relation to bullet exit from the muzzle. It was interesting, but just might drive you crazy. :)

There is actually a fair amount of adjustment but they really never went out of their way to let you know they had as many as 5 different lenght pins to drop in for different engagement surfaces, I had two on Swindlehurst's and you needed about 3 pins to test before you got it right. Still use one on my Farley PPC.
There is actually a fair amount of adjustment but they really never went out of their way to let you know they had as many as 5 different lenght pins to drop in for different engagement surfaces, I had two on Swindlehurst's and you needed about 3 pins to test before you got it right. Still use one on my Farley PPC.
You are right, there does not seem to be much information out about the Kelbly triggers. I am looking at one for one of my guns, but may also upgrade some other CF rifles with a B&A or FF trigger. The gun I am looking at the Kelbly for I only want to run 6-8oz, how are the Kelbly triggers as far as reliability at this weight setting?
Now that the Bix and FF triggers have been in this country a while now since this post started, have others had the opportunity to compare FFs and Bix triggers with regard to reliability when not perfectly clean or how they fare when wound up to around 6 oz?
A positive point about the Bix trigger is how much it reduces upward pressure on the sear bar, how do the FF triggers compare with upward pressure?
You are right, there does not seem to be much information out about the Kelbly triggers. I am looking at one for one of my guns, but may also upgrade some other CF rifles with a B&A or FF trigger. The gun I am looking at the Kelbly for I only want to run 6-8oz, how are the Kelbly triggers as far as reliability at this weight setting?

I can't imagine any less reliable. Mine gets used every week, all winter for our winter league group shoots sometimes at or below zero and it has never skipped a beat over the last 4 years.
You are right, there does not seem to be much information out about the Kelbly triggers. I am looking at one for one of my guns, but may also upgrade some other CF rifles with a B&A or FF trigger. The gun I am looking at the Kelbly for I only want to run 6-8oz, how are the Kelbly triggers as far as reliability at this weight setting?

I am running less than 2oz. no issues, several seasons worth now, on a 40x cmp action. When I got the trigger it was very new on the market, Canjar gone, Jewel units having issues so I took the plunge. It has not been touched since I installed it. Now that I have stated that, I suppose Murphy is going to get in the act now.;)
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I have just bought one to run in my panda and will keep it at 1.5oz when it is running as a PPC but was wondering if they are able to be wound up to around 4-5 oz for which I like to use when it is screwed into my Dasher.