Flag rotation at the NBRSA group nationals...


For the upcoming Nationals in Phoenix does anyone know who will have a flag rotation that uses double vein flags? I am partial to double vein flags, actually I NEED them. But I need a name of who's rotation it will be so I can request this in writing. Thanks. Bro.D

My name is Durward Wofford. I live near Clovis N.M. Shoot most of the time in club shoots in Lubbock and most of my registered matches at Raton. I shoot right handed over double vein flags with beggs wind probes. Hope this will help. Hope this helps. Bro.D
Bob Dodd's Rotation

It has been a couple of years since I was on Bob's rotation, but at that time, they used a double vane Hood style flag.........jackie
Bob Dodd...

will he be shooting the nationals? Last I heard, he was getting out of the game. Anyone know? Bro.D
I have...

contacted Gary. He needs the name of the person who has the style flag I'm wanting so he can put me on their rotation. This is why I'm asking here on BRC. I have no clue who will have double vein flags.