fitting an extractor


Well-known member
i need some help ( some say that aint news!)
i lost and replaced the extractor on my brmxd bolt.
but then discovered its a 'FITTED" part.
so with a small file in hand i slowly filed and check fit the extractor to the chamber.
finally it extracts with no rub on the face of the cone.
then i go back to sizing brass( long story this is where it started)
i get 5 cases done. 300 wsm adg brass annealed evert time, trim to length every time.
so sizing to about .002/.0025 shoulder set back and body to 553/552 .
on the 6th case the bolt( no firing pin assy) will not close, moves 15 degrees or so and then a solid stop.
i got no clue
that is how i lost the first extractor.....
if i had to guess i would say an extractor issue.
it is the only part replaced from a previously working rifle.
i got it to close ..but then it stops closing and not sure what to look for...
come over and look 99th and bell)
i will go backwards and take the bbl off and color the cone and look for marks.

Have you tried closing the bolt on this piece of brass without the extractor?

If your extractor is dragging on the barrel then the cone is to close to the bolt. You do your own work so why not take .015" or so off the cone. We went 5 pages on Accurate Shooter about your problem.
If your extractor is dragging on the barrel then the cone is to close to the bolt. You do your own work so why not take .015" or so off the cone. We went 5 pages on Accurate Shooter about your problem.

excuse me but ii clearly stated in the very begining that this was a WORKING national champion RIFLE that had a brass size issue.....lost the oem extractor doing a suggested investigation. the new extractor required fitting, jim forgot to tell me..he has been in and out of the hospital..with pain distracting him.
i have set the rifle aside for a few days.
working on my 6.5 gt /600 yd and my 30 br/ 100/200 yard
As Dave mentioned, this went on for 5 pages on

not exactly true
the extractor issue was much later...
and i was waiting for jim to get back to me.
not one person in the thread mentioned a new extractor REQUIRED fitting.
the cone rub shot was part of the fitting process.
do not get me wrong, i asked for help and most was help..some was not.
thanks again

As Dave mentioned, this went on for 5 pages on

When you get a case that the extractor won't snap over on....what's the diameter of the extractor groove on that case as compared to the others that work?

Also, is the extractor groove profile differ on the troublesome cases?
When you get a case that the extractor won't snap over on....what's the diameter of the extractor groove on that case as compared to the others that work?

Also, is the extractor groove profile differ on the troublesome cases?
less than .001 diff( my calipers read .0005..that is what i see)
no to profile
i am thinking more extractor filtting is required.
i have mine just below the edge of the bolt, but my brm with 308 bolt the extractor is noticeably below the bolt edge.
just holding my breath and waiting for jim
( did i mention a nice 0.085 with my 30br using "jam" load development)
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Simple simple simple but that's not the way you work.
Stick a piece of brass into the bolt face. Does the extractor lock over the rim or doesn't it?
I'm done here.
i have identified the problem area.
IT IS THE BRASS, this is 5x6x adg 300 wsm
with a new fitted extractor from jim borden, i have the same issue, some brass locks the bolt less than 1/4 turn.
norma brass, fired sized and loaded does cycle.
new adg brass cycles.
so i will reassemble the rifle, load some new brass and finish off the last of lot 1 and move on to the next lot( 54 pcs) plus the 30 in lot one will be enough for the next match.
ordered a 0-1 blade mic good to 0.0001.
see if i can find the issue

I,ve run into this before..... measure extract groove in that piece of brass......
so this is my new account...not sure what went wrong .
but with a blade mic new cases are smaller, fired cases are larger
some fired cases are as large as cases that do not work
no diff in dia between fired that work and fired that do not
so i have further identified the issue, not the specifics.
i was using a 28 nosler fl die to squeeze the bases of my 300 wsm brass
that was the problem...too much squeezing.
after sat's match i tried reloading and about half the brass sized in just a 300 wsm die(wilson fl).
i took 2 of the failures and based sized them in the nosler die. BIG MISTAKE. INSTANT bolt lock up at partial turn.
so skipped it and just turned down the wilson die a couple thou at a time and resized some brass, then turned down more and sized more.
in the end the brass seems to be between 0 and 2 thou head clearance..and all is well.
so 6-7 firings and custom sizing required...still works. but lost about 30 pcs in this disaster.