First sanctioned match


Active member
Today, after shooting informal RFBR for a couple of years with custom 10/22's, I attended a sanctioned ARA Unlimited match at Oak Hills Gun Club in Blue Grass, IA. I took delivery of a new rifle shortly after the first of the year from KSS, smithed by Richard Gorham and assembled and tested by Dan and his gang at KSS. Weather and work got in the way and I did not get to shoot the gun until 2 weeks ago after my normal lay-off for the summer.

I must compliment several people here in open forum about my experiences in the last 2 weeks. First and foremost, Dan Killough for spending so much time on the phone and e-mails during the building process and Richard Gorham for his fine work barreling this gun. I, with my limited experience, feel it is a GREAT shooter.

To Ron Elbe and Brian Voelker. Ron, you run a great match. Even though I have only attended one rifle match, I have attended several shotgun matches in the past. I may be treated as good at another facility, but most likely not better. Thanks Ron for your e-mails and hospitality. Was great to meet you and shoot with you.

Brian, while I never met you or had any contact with you before today, I did know who you were and your pedigree. Your selfless help, without asking, and positive constructive demeanor really helped me not only in the match, but getting over the new guy jitters. Thanks again for your willingness to jump in and help someone who you didn't even know. A huge step towards promoting the sport! Kudos sir.

If it sounds like I have had a VERY positive experience in my initial experience with organised RFBR, from the vendors taking care of my equipment needs to the people running my first match to the other competitors who lent are correct. This will be a life long hobby for me. Don't look for my rifle or equipment being in the classified ads because of lack of interest!

Very best regards and thanks to all,
Congrats. This is a great post, and with luck lots of fence sitters will read it and take to heart how much fun it can be right out of the box.
You have a great attitude......good luck down the road.
Congrats. This is a great post, and with luck lots of fence sitters will read it and take to heart how much fun it can be right out of the box.
You have a great attitude......good luck down the road.

Thanks for the very positive first reply to this thread. I had one of the best days in my shooting career today. Didn't matter where I placed, I needed to get my feet wet and learn more about how it's done in the match world. I truly got that help today. If Dan and Richard were there, I have no doubt I would have gotten even more help. There seems to be a little more help and brotherhood in this sport than the clay target games, which I used to shoot many years ago. Perhaps because it is a smaller group playing, don't know.

Thanks for the positive response,
Doclu: I used to shoot tournament skeet all over the east coast. Competitors were like family in that we saw each other most weekends. Competition was fierce but friendly.

I picked up this rim fire BR game a few years ago and have found exactly the same type of "family" competing. Most will go out of their way to help you when in need, freely offer advice, sometimes even when you might not want it. Everyone wants to beat you while at the same time pulling for you to do well.

We don't shoot rim fire bench rest for the accolades and monetary rewards. We shoot it to be with our friends and enjoy each others company. Such attitude is universal no mater where you travel to shoot. Enjoy the ride. bob
Scott: It appears my intent got lost in translation. What you experienced at your first match is what you can expect to find at EVERY rim fire BR match you attend. Yours was not by any means a unique experience.

I did say tournament skeet. I did not include trap and certainly not live bird events. Enough said. Welcome aboard. I hope we run into each other one of these days. bob
Not lost at all Bob. I did not specify the clay target game you responded to in your initial reply to my thread that only wished to tell others how I felt about my new found shooting hobby. Yet you told us all about your 'tournament skeet' experience. I deleted the lost in translation post. Just another snotty clay target guy I see, and I've seen plenty

I posted not only the positive event results, but the entire experience leading up to it. That seems to be lost by you!

Thanks for educating me here Bob. I will go back to just lurking here. BTW, I feel totally deflated now about the match I shot and live bird shooting was/most likely still is, dominated by clay target shooters. Snotty ones at that. Thanks for your positive posts.
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Congratulations on your experience into the sport. At least the sanctioned parts of it.
You've gone about it in the right way too. Associated yourself with some great people & bought smartly.
The sport is filled with guys like Ron & Brian & as you branch out if you choose, you'll meet them. Some great people in rfbr who'll help in any way they can.
Enjoy the ride!

Oh, & don't just lurk here. Its YOUR forum too.
Congratulations Scott. Great way to start your benchrest shooting. I have found in my short time, people are more than happy to help. It is fun to do well but the main thing is to have fun while making some new friends.
linekin and drknite.....thanks for your replies. I am glad to hear that my experience at a match is common. I never really got that before in other organised shooting sports. Very cliquey and stand offish is what I was used to.

Some may be wondering about the "do well" comments from Joey (drknite). He and I exchange e-mails on a fairly regular basis. While I did not explain my results here in open forum, I did to Joey in an e-mail. Where I finished was not important to me so I did not post it. FWIW, I did ok for my first sanctioned match. I would have placed lower if I didn't get the wonderful help I enjoyed from Brian. What was important was learning more about the sport. That I did. Real world stuff that will help me improve my scores in the future. I was thrilled that it was a better experience than my past in organised shooting had me believing it would be. So thrilled I posted on a board I hardly ever post on.

I appreciate the nice comments made by several here. I am also happy to know that the group of guys and gals that I will be enjoying a hobby with are so easy to hang out with and so helpful. If anyone lurks here and is 'on the fence', as Tim posted, about shooting competition in RFBR, jump down and get your feet wet! After two years of competing with myself, I finally got in there and had a very wonderful day. I will for sure be going back Oak Hills and will be looking for other venues as well.

Best regards,