First attempt at Electro Etch.

Charles, another hater of Word. Every time I open a book it is obvious to me if it was done in a word processor and I want to pitch it in the can! Amen to Quark Xpress! I am ex of pre-press. Sorry for the off topic.
Yes thats the kit I am using. I bought it from the oufit in Wa state.
Charles, another hater of Word. Every time I open a book it is obvious to me if it was done in a word processor and I want to pitch it in the can! Amen to Quark Xpress! I am ex of pre-press. Sorry for the off topic.
Ian, to finish the off-topic stuff, some books we set when using TeX (which is free). Now, we use InDesign, for a host of reasons, none of them having to do with better typography.

hope your browser treat them well...
Charles I do pre-press and some other things.
PM me and email address if you want some info.
I wasnt questioning your bona fides.
I was just responding to your statement
"None of the text editing programs (like Word) I'm aware of is what a typesetter would call a *layout* program, which lets you control the spacing of type. I'm not aware of any free layout programs, but again, if someone is interested, post here and I'll start looking. (Well, there is TeX, but unless you already know it, I'd skip that. Wonderful program, but the learning curve can me measured in months.)"
I thought I could have passed along some program info.

It looks great!

Did you use this one on your barrel?....

Or other brand/maker?
I've been wanting to buy one myself but still not sure which one...

Thanks you in advance,

Seb, originally, yes, I bought the "etch-o-matic" super kit as available from their website. After using it for a year I gave it to a friend and bought one of the more high tech machines from another vendor that cost me close to $1k. In hindsight, I should have kept what I had. It did just as good for a fraction of the cost plus I could make my own stencils in house in the matter of a few minutes.
BTW, with the etch-o-matic, I've done thousands of etches. I think the absence of dials and fancy levers causes most folks to discount the little unit. They would be wrong, as was I, when they bought the much more expensive unit thinking it was better.
You know, I was set up to buy the expensive unit also. My gut said try the cheaper one.
Thanks you Superman & Blagg. I was late to win the auction due to the time difference but that's okay as I realize that I can buy directly from matronic.

I have quite a bit of experience with the etcho-matic machine and making stencils, if you guys need any help feel free to contact me. It's a great little unit for the price without all the frills of the $1k machines.

Use the Gator clip. Always take the gun out of the stock, the chemicals you're using for the etching will cause havoc if they run down in the stock, bedding, or are left on the bottom of the bbl from a drip. Tape the stencil onto the barrel and etch for at least 1 minute to gain .003" penetration. You can go up to .01 if you stay on there for 2 minutes. I like to tape the top side of the stencil, etch for 1 minute, wipe the carbon off the stencil with the cleaning solution on a paper towel then etch for 1 more minute.

These results are possible:


Sir, the first (top) photo is done using the same kit? Or is it to compare machining to an etched version on the bottom photo? From my limited experience, it is not uncommon to have a "greying" around the lettering with longer exposure times.

I am curious how you attained the finish in the top photo. Regards, Joe
The bbl in the first photo was etched then coated with KG Gunkote. After curing I sprayed black Krylon over the KG and wiped the bbl with acetone. What you see there is the black spray paint that is left behind inside the etching. Both examples were etched with the same machine.
The bbl in the first photo was etched then coated with KG Gunkote. After curing I sprayed black Krylon over the KG and wiped the bbl with acetone. What you see there is the black spray paint that is left behind inside the etching. Both examples were etched with the same machine.


So the both were etched for 2 minutes, clean and etched again for 1 minute? That looks great. Does the grey or edge bleed through clean up with a light polish? I imagine it would.

How long do your stencils last? I have found them fairly sensitive and was wondering about finding a company that made more durable stencials if possible...

Martronics - plus blue stencils - not sure who makes them or what type they are but they are supplied by Martronics.
The blue stencils are photo negative paper. You have to be gentle with them to avoid cracking/crinkling them. You should be able to etch a dozen barrels with a single stencil with no issues. I made my own stencils. It's cheaper to buy the stencil making kit and make your own when and as you need them than to order them.

Try etching 1 minute, clean, etch another minute. Make sure you are using the correct solution. If I remember correctly the one we had the best results from was clear but they also have a yellow and pink etching chemical. Call them up and they will send you samples of each. Keep the pad clean by washing it out after each use with warm water.
I started with the PINK solution. Then they sent me some brown solution (which I don't think does as well). I did specify stainless but I didn't specify austenitic or martensitic (416r I believe)...

Will have to try a longer run times to see the results. Where do you buy your stencil (blue) material? How long do the custom made stencils last and where do you buy them?
I purchased the kit they sell which comes with the photo stencil paper. The stencils are pretty simple to make and only take a matter of minutes. Try other solutions, you may get better results.