Firing pin tip repair


New member
Musgrave action, basically this is a mauser 98 pin modified enough to consider repairing instead of replacing. The tip broke off at the taper. I believe it was .067" diameter.
If one were to repair this, how would you do it? I was thinking of using a replaceable tip style like on a Barnard.
The problem is that the firing pin must be the correct shape, and fit the bolt head, to work properly. Attempting to do this without an optical comparator is a waste of time.
I would think you could face off, drill the broken end, and soft solder in a piece of drill rod of the right diameter. Just be sure the rod is bottomed out in the hole in the original pin, so the impact is not dependent on solder strength. With the drill rod bottomed out, Loctite high strength sleeve retainer would also work. Drilling the exact center is the tricky part.
One thing for sure, is Geo Ulrich knows what an optical comparater is. I still think it can be made. Good luck though, i hope you get it figured out. Lee
I just moments ago replaced springs in two Musgrave bolts. One of the pins was broken just into the rear threaded portions and was only holding by one thread. Luckily I had a pin in stock. I am looking to replace it now to have for the next guy that needs one. I have emailed Fultons in UK and if I have any luck I will let you know. This rifle has been fired and dry fired adding up to hundreds of thousands of shots and I am told it's the first part to break.
The problem is that the firing pin must be the correct shape, and fit the bolt head, to work properly. Attempting to do this without an optical comparator is a waste of time.

I think I know what a comparator is and how it works having one in the shop, don't see the reason for one to make a firing pin. maybe i'm messing up on the 20 or so actions I've made.....................
Thanks Ian. If a pin isn't available I'll likely end up doing the repair by using an insert epoxied in. Easy for me and it works.
Hi Geo,

I was thinking the guy could fix his own next time if I epoxy it. I can't remember how the Barnard pin is held but I think it is epoxy. I have only repaired one Barnard, normally they just require new barrels.

Barnards older than a few years have a separate pin tip which is piano wire and held in with green loctite retaining compound. Works fine except that with repeated dry firing the tip may be lost.