Fire Forming Business

1. Barrel preservation (for matches).
2. Backyard range absence.
3. Nonexistent dedicated fire forming rig.
4. Improve the Small Business economy.
5. Add a pragmatic tool to the inventory.

let me add one- to have something as cool and illegal as a machine gun or silencer without the permit. it would have to be made by a licensed firearms mfr with all the taxes and paperwork that goes with that and I doubt any one of them will want the liability of having something out there designed to shoot into the ground or into a roll of insulation. do like most folks do- have a set ready and carry them to the line with your match cases and use them for foulers. after a weekend you should have 3 or 4 sets ready for the next match. I bet I have 10 sets loaded ready for forming and at the last match I got 6 sets ready for my next match. thats with no rounds on my barrel I wouldnt have shot anyway.