Fire Forming 6ppc


Martin Busteed

I was wondering if anyone fire forms new PPC brass as foulers? I thought this would be a good idea if you dont have a dedicated fire forming barrel and you dont want to put Unnecessary wear on your barrel. This is probably one of my silly ideas as you would want to see where your foulers are going. I am very new to this sport :)

It's probably worthwhile to do a search of the subject you're concerned about first before you post. It's more than likely that others have made similar enquiries & a good deal of discussion, pros & cons, etc will be available. I tried to point you in that direction with one of your earlier postings without making any waves.

Another advantage is that you'll find that honey tongues like Mr. Perry won't get the opportunity to put you down.

My apologies, Mr Perry. It has to be a nationality thing.

Y'see here in Australia, when somebody said "This is the biggest waste of words on the Board" & "Don't forget to say kapow each time" in response to a serious question, we would be inclined to think that they were denigtating a person.

Since I made that intemperate posting, I've had time to review your contribution & now understand that language of this type must surely be friendly banter Stateside.
I was wondering how much N133 to use for forming? thanks
I'll soon be a new PPC owner and I like to see these kind of questions in new posts. I always look at new posts at work so I don't spend too much company time at this. Oh I know the forum harbors a wealth of knowledge and experience, but heck, it only takes a second or two to ask a question as well as post an answer. Hope I haven't over stepped my boundaries.
Because of the room that a .220 Russian case has to expand in a 6PPC chamber, I don't think that you could get enough 133 into an unfireformed case to cause any pressure problems when using normal Benchrest weight (68 grains or less) bullets. Fill 'er up.
Because of the room that a .220 Russian case has to expand in a 6PPC chamber, I don't think that you could get enough 133 into an unfireformed case to cause any pressure problems when using normal Benchrest weight (68 grains or less) bullets. Fill 'er up.

Boyds right...fill ur up until you compress the load a little. Can't get enough in to do harm. I normally fireform with leftover parts of lots or some powder close to the same burn rate that didn't work out for some reason or another, like the Norma 201 but I don't use odd powder during a match to fireform with.

Martin/ There will always, I hope, people new to PPC who have questions. I am also one of them. Thanks to those expereinced shooters who will take a moment to help us newbees. This is why I read these threads; shooters usually are willing to share.........../Chaz
To specifically answer your original question, is a standard practice of mine to use cases that I'm fireforming for the first time as foulers during a match. Make certain that you have some way to keep them separate from your other cases. I usually use a permanent marker and put a mark on them somewhere so that I don't get them mixed up after firing...
It is not a silly idea at all...and something else I would mention to you is the distinct difference between a "fouling" shot and a "sighter" shot. "Fouling" shots are the one or two shots that you fire through your bore after cleaning your rifle to get your barrel back to the state that it will be in while you are shooting your group, and should NEVER be counted on for your true point of impact. Once you've "fouled" the bore, "sighter" shots are the shots you fire on the sighter target to indicate to you what your true point of impact is, and what the prevailing conditions are doing to your point of impact...
Good Luck to you!...
Mr. Kielly, it is not a nationality issue, most everyone that I know has the same reaction to most of Mr. Perry's post, smart-ass at best. I think you read him just right! Steve
Nationality or foolishness? Place him on your ignore list and, "kapow" he's gone. Kinda neat.

Happy New Year!!!!
Kent hit the nail on the head. His remarks about the fouler vs. the sighter shots needed to be said. Personally, I don't care where my foulers hit. In fact, sometimes in really tricky conditions when I need to use all the bulls on the sighter target and don't want two extra holes in there that don't matter, I will shoot my foulers over the target board.

As to when to fireform, some do it in the match with foulers like Kent and others do it on practice day or before. I am in the latter bunch. I like to have all my brass fully ready when arriving at matches. Less to think about when the 7 minute clock is winding down. But you have to find out what works best for you.
Not quite Gomer I gave him the best way to do what he asked for, lets hear your formula traffic director. What an insulant person you are.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

Jezzzz this wanna be has all of the answers. A shooter who this guy would not qualify to haul his dirty underwear fire-forms using Bullseye and wax and or a little cotton in the end. I have done thousands of rounds this way and Speedy (how many HOF’s have you been inducted into and how many World Records have you set there Mr. Clean?) has done thru his shop hundreds of thousands this way.

You are a pompous windbag at best.
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