Feeding Experiences For Shortmag Family?


New member
I have a feeding problem in my 7shortmag
My guess is that it is hitting the corner of the back end of the cahmber, right in front of the bolt nose.
After the loaded round stops feeding, if I back the bolt up just a bit, I can feed the round the rest of the way in to the chamber.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I'm thinking of bevelling the back corner of the chamber just a bit, perhaps the same angle as the shortmag shoulder, then a good polishing.

Your thoughts?
get the feed/lips to feed shallower ?
the chamber is a chamber, this is a feeding issue..mag.feedlips
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[what holds the rounds below the bolt...
those are feed lips

QUOTE=Joe;840253]No feed lips
700 with BDL bottom metal[/QUOTE]
I'm thinking of bevelling the back corner of the chamber just a bit, perhaps the same angle as the shortmag shoulder, then a good polishing.

Your thoughts?

puh-LEEEEZE NO!!!!!


Please don't increase clearance anywhere in the chamber (unless you RELISH the idea'r of launching the floorplate and remaining rounds di'reckly into your testes at speed)

OK..... that's a liddle over-the-top, especially considering the pre-64 M70, but still, decreasing web support in a high-pressure round like this can lead to blowouts and will definitely screw with your brass maintenance as you will be asking for bulges at the base.

Senor' rsmithsr is correct..... this is specifically a feed lip problem. Rounds of this configuration clear back to and including the grandaddy Ackleys have always required the finesse of a skilled technician re feeding, especially when grinding action metal as opposed to bending flatstock ALA mag-fed......... and wallering out the bottom of the chamber doesn't address the actual problem
puh-LEEEEZE NO!!!!!


Please don't increase clearance anywhere in the chamber (unless you RELISH the idea'r of launching the floorplate and remaining rounds di'reckly into your testes at speed)

OK..... that's a liddle over-the-top, especially considering the pre-64 M70, but still, decreasing web support in a high-pressure round like this can lead to blowouts and will definitely screw with your brass maintenance as you will be asking for bulges at the base.

Senor' rsmithsr is correct..... this is specifically a feed lip problem. Rounds of this configuration clear back to and including the grandaddy Ackleys have always required the finesse of a skilled technician re feeding, especially when grinding action metal as opposed to bending flatstock ALA mag-fed......... and wallering out the bottom of the chamber doesn't address the actual problem

OK, relax, I hear ya. LOL!!
Was not planning on wallering out the bottom of the chamber. But... I was planning on removing the barrel and cutting a slight 30 deg. bevel and polising it nice and smooth.
You're exposing more of the case web. At some point you will either rupture a case or develop a 30 degree belt on your case. On second thought you'll crack a sizing die trying to deal with the belt.
Definitely a feed issue. As you slowly cycle a round, watch the pivot point where as the round starts to ‘tip up’ the loading ramp, the back of the case will start to drop as the round pivots off the front edge of the feed lip. If you relieve that lip to the rear that will allow the round to angle up more at that point of travel and will hopefully clear the edge of the chamber and feed. Take off a very little at a time, it may not take much, possibly just polishing the underside of the front edge of the feed lip .005 or so.
All three of the short mag feeding problems I worked with were solved by the Wyatt center feed mags. :cool:

They should have been center feed mags from the factory! -Al
I have an extended mag box in the rifle from Kevin Wyatt and have it altered so I can get third round down

Never heard of the center feed mag boxes.

Will be looking at his website today
I have an extended mag box in the rifle from Kevin Wyatt and have it altered so I can get third round down

Never heard of the center feed mag boxes.

Will be looking at his website today
You'll get two down and one up but it will feed great.
I always considered the third shot as a signal for help.
I believe the ones I used were the CFE-6 units. They were for a 300 WSM, a 300 'WWM' (Whitetail Whack Master...based on the 300 WSM case), a 7 WSM and a 7 SAUM. -Al
I built a 300 WSM this summer as a gift for a nephew and used a new 700 SA Mag bf action. I ordered the extended hfp Bainey’s Mag box, follower and bottom metal from PTG. There was some milking on the action to fit the extra long Mag box (3.1+”) and with the 1/4” extra drop of the bottom metal the rifle easily fit 3 down with one in the chamber. It fed all three rounds without issue every time I tested it. Unfortunately other than opening up the rear of the Mag box inlet into the action I don’t remember messing with the front much other than polishing a bit...but it DID work.