February Frozen Fingers Follies @ Pinnacle Mtn. CANCELED!


Dave Shattuck

This Saturdays Frozen Fingers Follies at Pinnacle Mountain is CANCELED for reasons beyond my control.

Thank you,

Dave Shattuck
I'm sorry you had to cancel but considering the circumstances, it's the best thing to do. Hope to see you at Holbrook.
For the rest of the NH and MA crowd that had plans to shoot at Pinnacle, Rick and I will be shooting at Salem on Sat. and you all are invited to join us. Depending on how many folks show up, we can either shoot off the two indoor benches or enjoy the projected 43 degree temps and shoot outdoors. I'll start a separate thread so as not to hijack Dave's and we can work out details.
Take care of #1. Shooting can wait. Will bring Todd some targets so don't worry about that.

Have packed my ice fishing cleats, Snow shoes, a couple of milk jugs of sand, 1/2 drill for wind flag poles, 20 lb weight for wind probe, target stand, Hand warmers, heated shooting stool,etc. Hope to get home before the snow Sat night.
