Favorite Songs....

Heard this one on satellite radio the other day while I was doing brass work. Made me stop and actually listen to the lyrics. Unfortunately, they are all true and it ain't gettin' any better.......................
liberals....... this has been their message as long as there's been a musical venue to spout it ;)

I'd agree with James that we can't seem to manufacture things of our own anymore, and our vets are ignored, and our politicians sons will never be sent to war, and our CEO's are overpaid while their workers are at poverty line, but I'd have to disagree with him (or the libs that use this song to try to prove their point) on how we got there. Problem is that greed is colorblind. It doesn't see red or blue. Only green.
I'd agree with James that we can't seem to manufacture things of our own anymore, and our vets are ignored, and our politicians sons will never be sent to war, and our CEO's are overpaid while their workers are at poverty line, but I'd have to disagree with him (or the libs that use this song to try to prove their point) on how we got there. Problem is that greed is colorblind. It doesn't see red or blue. Only green.

America was founded as a place where "greed" was OK, not only OK but rewarded. I've learned that I will generally disagree with nearly everything said by a person who believes greed is bad, a negative character trait.

I know a ton of vets, I don't know any who've been thrown to the wolves. Many of them have wonderful productive lives based on training which started in the military. And several are bums. My threeson chose the Corp as a way to get his college money, he's out now, shopping houses with 50K in his pocket, a 100K minimum in college money and medical for life for himself and his family. He doesn't feel at all as if he's been mistreated.

whiners gonna' whine

haters gonna' hate

winners gonna' work


America was founded as a place where "greed" was OK, not only OK but rewarded. I've learned that I will generally disagree with nearly everything said by a person who believes greed is bad, a negative character trait.

Wow Al, sorry you feel that way. I'll bet Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling thought the way you do too.

I, on the other hand, tend to believe that prosperity and greed are different things and should never be mixed. I'm no history professor, but from what I have read, the forefathers of our great Nation were trying to get away from greedy gov'ts. Not create another one.

Btw, I have two friends who have served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and suffer from PTSD. They had to hire lawyers to get some of their benefits that were promised to them in their contract. Reasons given were that there were "too many PTSD claims" and not enough funds to go around. But hey, we've got enough in the bank to spend 1.2 bill on Amtrak that's losing money on every ticket but can't pay for counseling for our vets. Glad your relative is doing ok but not all are as lucky.
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the forefathers of our great Nation were trying to get away from greedy gov'ts. Not create another one.

Wasn't talking about "governments" but about people, like "greedy CEO's" and such...... unlike Al's cute song I DO know what to do :)


BTW I like this war song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6gZefW4yEA I think poor Billy gets vilified for being "pop" a lot more than he deserves.

Another classic from a trailblazing American protest singer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i458ZzwpE3w
Dammit - I wish I hadn't cut that music appreciation class. Maybe they woulda learnt me how to make that leap ya'll made...or at least understand the "mechanism".
I think Albert King's Drifting Blues is kind of special, enough so I have a bought copy of the only CD he recorded it on.
Dammit - I wish I hadn't cut that music appreciation class. Maybe they woulda learnt me how to make that leap ya'll made...or at least understand the "mechanism".

Probably different circumstances, Wilbur. Y'see, our teacher was Yvonne Hoopee, French, and just 23 years old. Came over to the states to teach a year and earn some money. We couldn't figure out why the French hadn't declared her a national treasure & kept her home. Us guys paid lots of attention to her, but I doubt we heard a word she said. Maybe the girls learned something -- aside from advanced jealousy...
America was founded as a place where "greed" was OK, not only OK but rewarded. I've learned that I will generally disagree with nearly everything said by a person who believes greed is bad, a negative character trait.

I know a ton of vets, I don't know any who've been thrown to the wolves. Many of them have wonderful productive lives based on training which started in the military. And several are bums. My threeson chose the Corp as a way to get his college money, he's out now, shopping houses with 50K in his pocket, a 100K minimum in college money and medical for life for himself and his family. He doesn't feel at all as if he's been mistreated.

Wrote a long. reasoned reply to this Al. Apparently Wilbur read it, hence his comment. Then I figured out there is no reasoning that will change your mind, so I deleted it. Just decided that was cowardly, and I know you're not that, so here's the condensed version.

You do see the world with rosy, rosy glasses.

Just a bit more.

I know a ton of Marines, too. If you shoot, how not? I'm thinking of a guy who went into the core 'cause his daddy did, and for all I know, granddad too. And he hopes his son will go join. Sons 17, and planning on it.

But they got kind of a family tradition. With the wife's first pregnancy, get out. You really don't want to put your family's health in the hands of Navy doctors. BTW, his dad's total compensation from exposure to & ensuing health problems from Agent Orange in Viet Nam was a settlement so great he was able to buy his #1 son a nice browning .22 semiautomatic rifle.

As for living within your means, good luck without government help. I mean that. You get an expensive disease at a young to middle age, and your insurance policy -- at least in the old days -- suddenly goes. If it's a group plan & they can't dump you, they make a pretty good effort to get you declared "disabled." If they succeed, they're off the hook after the COBRA time expire. Off their hook, on to the governments. You think they care? Yes, you can fight that.

A lot of guys just lost their jobs through no fault of their own. You know why. If you want to bash Obama, how 'bout why didn't he break up the banks "too large to fail" after the last debacle? Even some Republicans are now saying we need laws to separate regular banks from investment banks -- forgetting they lobbied so hard to get just those laws off the books in the 1990s.

Greed's great, until you run into a situation where us ordinary folk, acting in more or less concert, can't match institutional greed.

To put it simply, figure out what you want to include in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as a right, given today's technology. We don't have to think like outhouses & corncobs just because the founding fathers did. Once you figure out what should be included in LL&HP as a right, go for it.

That's what gave rise to protest songs.
Wrote a long. reasoned reply to this Al. Apparently Wilbur read it, hence his comment. Then I figured out there is no reasoning that will change your mind, so I deleted it. Just decided that was cowardly, and I know you're not that, so here's the condensed version.

You do see the world with rosy, rosy glasses.

Just a bit more.

I know a ton of Marines, too. If you shoot, how not? I'm thinking of a guy who went into the core 'cause his daddy did, and for all I know, granddad too. And he hopes his son will go join. Sons 17, and planning on it.

But they got kind of a family tradition. With the wife's first pregnancy, get out. You really don't want to put your family's health in the hands of Navy doctors. BTW, his dad's total compensation from exposure to & ensuing health problems from Agent Orange in Viet Nam was a settlement so great he was able to buy his #1 son a nice browning .22 semiautomatic rifle.

As for living within your means, good luck without government help. I mean that. You get an expensive disease at a young to middle age, and your insurance policy -- at least in the old days -- suddenly goes. If it's a group plan & they can't dump you, they make a pretty good effort to get you declared "disabled." If they succeed, they're off the hook after the COBRA time expire. Off their hook, on to the governments. You think they care? Yes, you can fight that.

A lot of guys just lost their jobs through no fault of their own. You know why. If you want to bash Obama, how 'bout why didn't he break up the banks "too large to fail" after the last debacle? Even some Republicans are now saying we need laws to separate regular banks from investment banks -- forgetting they lobbied so hard to get just those laws off the books in the 1990s.

Greed's great, until you run into a situation where us ordinary folk, acting in more or less concert, can't match institutional greed.

To put it simply, figure out what you want to include in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as a right, given today's technology. We don't have to think like outhouses & corncobs just because the founding fathers did. Once you figure out what should be included in LL&HP as a right, go for it.

That's what gave rise to protest songs.

Accurate, true to your perspective and honest, I like that........ honesty is rare commodity in the world (stories involving lanterns come to mind)

I simply do not agree :)

I am a true conservative. I believe in The American Dream. In fact I live it..... and teach it. Self governance is something I feel strongly about. Unlike you, I DO NOT believe that I "need" help from my government. I also do not believe in "equality" as it's defined today. Read the words you used, Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness, it doesn't get into "greed" nor money nor health care nor why I can't have a ski boat like my neighbor's. I simply _do_not_agree_ with phrases like "lost their jobs through no fault of their own." It IS our fault, we've voted ourselves into this mess. America still works, we DO still count. We've got exactly what we've voted for.

I LIVE here to be FREE to PURSUE HAPPINESS. I find your assumption that this is "because my life has been easy or free of tragedy" to be offensive.

And I have a fine collection of protest songs, I LIKE them but that doesn't change the fact that they're a direct reflection of views that I disagree with. I also watch movies and read books where people kill and maim each other, and I LIKE them. And I collect books. Music, books and movies accurately reflect culture, the human condition and conflicts of an era. I enjoy this conflict (and BTW to all you liberals this IS NOT about "winning") and believe that the entire course of human history has been driven by man's desire to be FREE to LIVE and find HAPPINESS.

I'm a happy guy, I'm a PASSIONATELY happy guy. And nope, you'll not convince me of a better way :)

Off now to the gunroom to CRANK my music up and work on the 338..... I think i'll lissen to this http://video.search.yahoo.com/video...&tit=Waylon+Jennings+-+I`ve+Always+Been+Crazy

Read the words you used, Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness, it doesn't get into "greed" nor money nor health care nor why I can't have a ski boat like my neighbor's. I simply _do_not_agree_ with phrases like "lost their jobs through no fault of their own." It IS our fault, we've voted ourselves into this mess.
We did. It's amazing how many people take a different view on just which vote that was...

I LIVE here to be FREE to PURSUE HAPPINESS. I find your assumption that this is "because my life has been easy or free of tragedy" to be offensive.

Now that offends me. I guess we've achieved symmetry.

The only assumption I made, if you want, was that you had not already run up $750,000 to $1,000,000 in medical bills you were (1) liable for yourself, and (2) were determined to pay off -- or had paid off. In which case you could be offended. You'd just might have some trouble with camels, needles & heaven. But would be your problem.
It IS our fault, we've voted ourselves into this mess. America still works, we DO still count. We've got exactly what we've voted for.

It ain't what I voted for! Actually, I didn't see much of a choice either way last go around......