Favorite movies?

"Cool Hand Luke'" is in there somewhere as a favorite of mine.
Some of the best, according to me.

Best Sniper Movie..."Enemy at the Gates"

Best Assassin Movie....."Assassins" Sylvester Stallone and Antonio Banderas. Banderas was magnificent..

Best Suspence Of its Time. "Duel" made in 1971. Director, Steven Speilberg. One of Dennis Weavers best Performances.

"I'm not sure I could sit thru 4hr 20mins of chinese and subtitles regardless of how good it was"

Theatrical version is a little over 2 hours. But yes, you do have to read.

Caddyshack and Animal House have also got to be up there - especially after you watch the "behind the scenes making" of those two movies.
i like escapism...i want to sit back and be entertained and escape the real world for a couple of hours....
i'm a true romantic.
there is a movie that could be on my list...((the american president)...
mike douglas as the presisdent and dating a woman.....BUT the bottom line is the movie is an antigun piece of krap..."guns are evil...banning guns will save the world"
i do not like political messages in my entertainment..
mike in co
I don't care for movies that do all the thinking for you. I like movies that make you think.
This is why I nominate Blazing Saddles.
Great thread…nice to have a conversation about something serious! Much better than the hackneyed “30 BR vs 6 PPC” or “Moly or no Moly?” or “How do I dial in a barrel within gage-maker tolerances on my POS Chicom lathe?”

I’m a film noir fan, so…

The Big Sleep
Maltese Falcon
Out of the Past

And the best of film noir – from the genius Orson Welles, The Lady From Shanghai and Touch of Evil. These are worth watching just to see the sexy Rita Hayworth and Janet Leigh when they were really glorious.

Try The Third Man for one of the most atmospheric movies ever made. Welles was brilliant in this one too - perfect casting in this movie and amazing cinematography.

John Frakenheimer’s Manchurian Candidate was fantastic, and his Ronin (one of the best spy movies) has car chase scenes that are as good as Bullitt…watch that too – Steve McQueen was the king of cool!

But my favorite movie of all time (Casablanca a close second) would be Hitchcock’s Notorious. It’s pretty hard to go wrong with the perfect cast in this movie. Cary Grant uber-hero saves the beautiful Ingrid Bergman from the uber-villains of Nazi Germany cloistered away in Argentina trying to resurrect the third Reich by building a nuclear bomb. I never get tired of watching this classic movie. I want to be Cary Grant when I grow up!
Greg, another film noir fan here.

One of my all time favorites is 1962's 'Cape Fear' with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum. Mitchum is a serious bad azz as Max Cady, stalking Peck's family.

But the best for me is 1950's 'Sunset Boulevard'. Gloria Swanson is an over-the-hill silent movie star and William Holden is her gold digging boy toy. Holden's character narrates the film, and ultimately his characters death. Creepy cool....

Good shootin'. -Al
There's no way for me to pick out favorites. Since I look at threads like this for ideas, I usually post a list so folks can go to their Netflix queue and stock up on ideas. In my experience, I usually recommend movies based upon a someones personality. But without aiming this at one person, I can't do that here of course. There are very few universal recommendations, imo.

But... Here's 25 I'd highly recommend.

The Bank Job
Where Eagles Dare
Saints and Soldiers
The Sixth Sense
V for Vendetta

There Be Dragons
Schindler's List
Catch Me If You Can
Black Book

Minority Report
American Gangster
Hide and Seek
The Pianist

The Bourne Identity (series)
Casino Royale
Basic Instinct
The Prestige
Death at a Funeral

Cadillac Records
Kiss the Girls
The Professional
The Princess Bride
Kingdom of Heaven
Greg, another film noir fan here.

One of my all time favorites is 1962's 'Cape Fear' with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum. Mitchum is a serious bad azz as Max Cady, stalking Peck's family.

But the best for me is 1950's 'Sunset Boulevard'. Gloria Swanson is an over-the-hill silent movie star and William Holden is her gold digging boy toy. Holden's character narrates the film, and ultimately his characters death. Creepy cool....

Good shootin'. -Al

Mitchum was also a very convincing bad guy in Night of the Hunter. I saw Sunset Boulevard - I love Gloria Swanson's line when Holden said to her, "...you used to be big in the movies", and she said, "I'm still big...it's the movies that got small!"

Holden was in another great movie called Executive Suite. It's about corrupt business practices, and should be required viewing for all business students. Holden's speech toward the end is reminiscent of something out of an Ayn Rand novel.
I just saw this movie for the first time last night. I guess it came out in 2009? I had no interest in seeing it when it first came out because it just looked like a CGI computer game version of somebody's LSD trip. Turns out I was correct! Kinda fun to watch but WOW, that must have been some good "stuff"!

:D You have to see it in 3D to see the reason I included it on my list - the 3D special effects redefined the state-of-the-art. Even though the plot was pretty predicable, the special effects were well beyond anything done previously. There have been amazing advances in computer-generated effects in the last few decades, but at the time, Avatar made everything else seem primitive by comparison.
Dances With Wolves .....Costner

Spy Game...........Redford, brad Pitt

I forgot about Wolves. Epic movie.

I also forgot about Spy Game. Great show. Maybe the best spy movie ever, despite the fact it has that hypocritical @$$wipe Redford in it. He lives up the canyon from me a few miles and I keep waiting for an avalanche to wipe him and his ski resort right off the map, ah but that's another story for later.........