Farley Rest.....left hand

Well I am in possession of said rest from a semi-retired bench restshooter (Baker) and it doesn't look possible to me. But then again, I have trouble tying my shoes sometimes.

Dick, how much would you charge to show me how it is done? Also, anymore left hand Bat's for sale? I am still kicking myself for letting the last one go! Damn, Damn, Damn, etc.
Didn't realize it was you. See photos



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No Jim
It was ordered as Left Handed, I have heard of people converting them but it involves taking apart and putting back together and reversing some parts. Farley told me it takes a special Jig they have to do it but I know people who have done it themselves.
No Jim
It was ordered as Left Handed, I have heard of people converting them but it involves taking apart and putting back together and reversing some parts. Farley told me it takes a special Jig they have to do it but I know people who have done it themselves.

coulda' said that in the first post and saved a ton of confusion Dick
