Falling Block for BR?



Hello all,

I'm a new member here. Just wondering if anyone uses a falling block action for benchrest.

I use a No.1V in .223 for local, informal meets. Was wondering if anyone considered

building a "serious" one? Say in 6.5/xxx ? Maybe because I'm retired now, I have too much

time on my hands............Take aim gentlemen, I have thick skin.
I have never seen one at a BR event. I'll bet this question has been asked before.
Have you searched under Falling Block?
Ive seen some interesting guns where the barrel was clamped to the stock and the action "floated" That might work with a falling block.

How good of a trigger can you get??
Falling block

I stopped shooting IBS two years ago, but in the ten years I was active in that program, never saw a falling block. Now, I'm shooting long range BR groundhog matches. We have several rifle classes, including a factory class. You could most certainly compete with it at one of those matches.
Well ya know, I've thought about this too. Not necessarily a falling block, but something different. We use an action that is 6+ inches long, to basically utilize a spring loaded firing pin that strikes in a straight line. Obviously there isn't anything wrong with it, but that is a lot of metal and weight to strike a primer. All you need is a way to close the breach and strike the primer. But until something better comes along........
I have a Ruger #1 that I put a premium stainless barrel on and chambered it in 22 BR. Groups under .25" were the norm. I actually can't remember a day it shot over .25". One day a friend called me and asked if I had a second bench gun that he could shoot at the 200 yard score match to win a few extra pionts for the championship. I said "no, but I do have the Ruger #1 in 22 BR, and it shoots just like a bench gun". He said "now that remains to be seen, but I guess I'll try it". I pulled the Leupold 4-12, and replaced it with a Leupold BR 36. I preloaded his ammo with weighed powder charges at 33gr of 4320 and seated 52gr Berger's. When I arrived to the club match, I had my 6PPC that weighed 18 lbs. We had no weight limit, but could not use rail guns. When I handed my friend the Ruger, he said "well, here goes nothing". I was bothered by his attitude, and told him to shoot it like it's capable of winning, or I will just put it back in the car. He promised to do his best. We both put 9 out of 10 shots on the 1" ten ring at 200, and both wound up with 99 4x's, but I was the first to drop a point, so he took first place over every 6PPC there. One thing to keep in mind was that no wind flags were ever used. We shot about 7 different matches, with some being 3 position at 50 and 100 yards, so flags would get in the way. That day several people offered to buy that Ruger from me, but it's just not for sale.

About 10 or so years ago Allen Hall made a falling block 6 ppc and had it at the Super shoot . We shot it before the matches and it shot some little groups -then the trigger quit working { which was a good 1ounce trigger]. He said he would have to take it the shop to fix and didn't shoot it in the Super Shoot as planned. He advertised the action for awhile - but it was a little pricey
I have a custom Ruger No. 1 deer rifle that shoots very well. A few years ago I got a trigger from Brownell's because the original trigger drove me crazy. It cost about $280.00 plus another $150.00 to get it installed by a good gunsmith. It was a single set trigger and works very well. The pull is about 6 oz. if it's set and around 4 lb. unset. The name starts with a "K". (senior moment) I don't know if it could be set lighter or not.

I attended a black powder cartridge shoot recently as a spectator. The guns were all fallling blocks and most of them were Browning target models and they had good match triggers. I didn't ask about the triggers so I don't know where they got them. I was surprised how well the guns shot. They use cast bullets.

It would be fun experiment if somebody would make a real attempt to do something like this. There's not a lot of experimentation in BR nowdays.

Dick Wright
For BR

.........I believe the biggest problem would be found in dealing with the bag disturbance when reloading twixt shots. It seems it would take quite a bit longer to get back on POA each time. It may work well for you.......Good luck.......... Jan