Faecesbook is bullying Australia

Cancel culture and new stimulus bill

The world is in the CANCEL CULTURE time frame. None of it makes
any sense.
The new STIMULUS BILL includes cuts to MEDICARE. Also,
The bill is nine percent covid related and the balance is all
a democratic wish list and extensive pork. The wish list includes a California railroad
and a bridge to no where. Get a hold of your congressman via email.
Get a hold of your congressman via email.

Regrettably, I don't have anyone representing me in Congress, and it wouldn't do any good for me to "get a hold of" the rep from my district or the senators from my state.
My God what's going on what did Australia and the rest of the world do including ourselves before FB even existed. Now everyone has it in their heads they just cannot exist if something should happen to them. They rule you, your comments, your thoughts, your news, your kids and they do it by the fear of being kicked off if you do not bow down before them and worship their evil ways.
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The power is off.
No Fox.
No left wing media.
No Facebook.
Funny thing, the world is STILL turning.
Can it be??

All this "social media" bs is like a drug. It's tough to kick it but once you do life is so much more pleasant. You might even visit or call someone and have a verbal conversation! :)
No BRC would not qualify as the same type of Social Media site as Facebook. But you knew that before you brought it up.