F-class 284???


Active member
I know i have been wearing you fellas out with the f-class question but i am really really interested in all this. I have probably said this before but my very first rifle shooting experience was shooting prone and i have very fond memories of this, and still enjoy it very much. anyway i hole purpose currently is for a local 300 yard match and i am going to shoot a ppc and a 6BR. However i may want a bigger chambering to go along with his set up. My action will be a 308 bolt so i am limited to what i can choose. My question is this. Will a standard 284 compete or will i need a 284 improved, something like a shehane? Please advise. thanks Lee
Assuming you can read the wind at all, a 6 BR will work very well out to 600yds. The low recoil and modest appetite of the 6BR combined with its stunning accuracy make it a real joy to shoot. It can work well even at the longer yardages if conditions aren't too hairy and you can keep up with the changes. The .284 Win or the Shehane version either one should work nicely for a 600-1000yd complement to your stable, though.

It kind of sounds like you haven't shot a whole lot of F-class yet... I might suggest a couple more matches before pouring *too* much money down the rabbit hole of a dedicated LR gun - if you only shoot LR once or twice a year, and MR 2-4x that much... it might not be the wisest expenditure unless you are *serious* (or just really enthusiastic) about those few LR matches.

It would of course make your choices a whole lot simpler if you just come over to the dark side... compete in F/TR and shoot the .308 for everything ;)
Are you saying the only range you will be shooting is 300yds? If so, then stick with a 6BR. I love the 284, but if you are only shooting 300yds, then save your money, shoot the daylights out of your 6BR practicing, then buy another 6BR barrel.
If you are going out further than 600yds, you will love the 284.

I recently sold my Savage 6BR & 6.5x47 dual barrel target action rifle and only had my .284 to shoot in a mid range match this last Sunday. I loaded it down a little and used Hornady 162 AMAX over H4350. It was a 300-500-600 (15 shot relays) yard mid range match. It was actually very pleasant to shoot and I only dropped 6 points and lost by 2. Very capable and it can be used at 300, I think my MOA from a 200 yard zero was -1.90 at 300 and around -10.0 at 600. The Hornady AMAXs helps in a little cost reductions on the bullet side too.
Yes the primary reason for my current rifle build is for a 300 yard fclass type shoot at our local club. My first barrel will be a 6ppc with a 13.5 twist. After much reading and conversations I think the 6ppc will be darn hard to beat at 300 yards. I will also have an 8 twist 6br barrel for this rifle. I started shooting prone a long time ago. That's all I did rifle wise really. I would go up to the farm and hit the dirt with my belly and shoot. I love it. The hole 284 idea is if I would deceide to try my hand at a larger comp. I most likly will eventually. My action is a bat mb with 308 bolt face so I was just curious if the 284 was big enough. Thanks lee

If your not going past 600 yards, save your money, time, and headaches messing with anything but a 6BR, 6BRX, or 6Dasher. I believe that you had the perfect rifle for sale on on 6mmbr...the Dasher in the Tracker stock....Doesn't get any better!! While alot of guys are shooting the 284 well, IMO, I don't think it will ever outshoot a 6 improved, 600yards or under.....With the right driver, the 6 improved will give them hell at 1000 yards as well...

Will it compete - absolutely. If my memory is working, the current national F-Class 1,000 yard record is held by a standard .284 winchester. Personally I see 3 or 4 everytime I step up to the F-Class line. I have been using a big "7" for roughly 6 years now (mostly a straight 7WSM, but .284 winchester from time to time). When I started I was basically the only one on the line. Those were the good days... now the "7"s are all up and down the line.

I hazard an opinion that the US F-Class team would not be using a "7" if they did not compete. Under certain weather conditions, they can dominate.

I also agree that they bring a cost (barrels burn faster and bullets can be more expensive) and some recoil to the mix.

Thanks fellas. I have a couple dasher barrels and even a new benchmark 6dasher barrel that i havent shot yet so i think i am set. I dont like recoil anyway. I have a couple buddies that shoot high power 600 yard matches down in st louis so i think i will tag along and shoot the f-class along side of them. should be a lot of fun! Thanks Lee
caliber choice

The last big 1000 yard match I went to where the winds were really tricky was won by a 300 Saum shooting 210's, second was a 284 shooting 180's and third was a 6mmBr shooting 105's. There was only a few points between them all. The 6mmBR will compete against anything if you know where to point it.

It's all about reducing the variables and increasing your margins for errors. The big "7's" will tolerate more than the 6's. I have enjoyed my straight 284 @ 600 & 1000 and it does quite well. That being said IMO it's a little overkill @ midrange so I added a 6SLR to the arsenal for this year... I do enjoy the reduced recoil, it's quite a joy to shoot @ 300/600. Good Luck!! Eric in DL
284 is a bit overkill for 300y. If you need to feed from a mag, consider the 6.5x47 or 6x47, otherwise stick to the 6BR.
The .284 question was posted in June of 2011. As to "overkill", many people don't believe in that concept in the USA. :)
Holy ..... Not a lot of action in the section it seems. I assumed as it was on page 1 that it was actual. Assumption is the mother of all.... well, you know....

Sorry guys.