Equipment sharing

For me, it was a case of paying it forward. I borrowed both of the rifles I shot at the Worlds in 2011. And even though I got my butt kicked by both of the shooters that shot my HV gun at Plzen, I'd gladly loan any gun I have and the pellets it shoots best to anyone that truly needs one as long as it's within the rules.
Well, I have bought and sold so many air rifles over the last few years that it feels like I am sharing when I go to my local range.

I have to remind myself that they are not mine now, and I didn't loan them out :D

Local Matches should encourage loaning rifes, rest, bags, pellets.

At our club we grab anyone watching us shoot and give them the opportunity to accept the challenge of a 2mm circle at 25 meters. We loan everything we have. I have a rifle for every class and shoot them all. I can only shoot one at a time. At the club level I would love to have my butt kicked with my own rifles, if it brings a new shooter to the game.

At Major matches for one reason or another it might make sense to loan equipment. In the shooting sports over the years there are shooters that are a cut above and often they are furnished equipment by manufactures to build their reputation and brand. I think that if one shooter was to shoot only borrowed equipment, in order to win, he is definitely saving a bunch of money. With the feelings expressed here, I do not think that many will use borrowed equipment unless there is a very good reason.

In the day of custom air rifles built with no real thought as to cost, by folks with lots of time and the resources, I would like to borrow one sometime. We are in a money game, like it or not. If you can not get a gun of your own, that will give you pleasure and the challenge to win a match once in a while, what is the point.

In the early 90's when Air Rifle Bench rest shooting was just getting started a rim-fire shooter borrowed a Air Arms NJR like mine and was the first to clean the BR-50 target. A lot of bragging by the rim fire group, that the air gunners were bested by a rim fire shooter, with borrowed equipment shooting in still conditions at a night time shoot.

A shooters only choice was to do the deed in the daytime, in the wind, with his own rifle.

In my opinion, A competitor who does more than work at beating his own best score will go insane.

Just the Old Man's Opinion.
Todd, although we’ve never met, I’ve always had you down as one of those guys who would give anyone the shirt off his back if he thought it would help another shooter (and you probably did at Plzen, but at least you got some in return :D).

“I'd gladly loan any gun I have and the pellets it shoots best to anyone that truly needs one as long as it's within the rules.”

In bold above is the crux of my concern. If a shooter has a perfectly good rifle, why does he need to borrow one from another shooter? I have no problem if the need to borrow a rifle is with justification and have done it many times myself. Alan Grayson, Scott Grayson, Ron Harding and others have all borrowed my rifles at one time or another. But the reason was justifiable, either they didn’t have one for that particular class or the one they did have had malfunctioned.

It’s the borrowing of rifles for perceived gain i.e. because he/she feels the other guys rifle is superior to his own and will give him a better chance of a medal, that I’m not comfortable with.

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Looks like I am in the clear with Brian then as I do not have a HV Air Rifle as yet and I also have Todds Captain Shirt as he has mine :eek:
Just to confirm Bill, I hadn’t singled you out. Although I was aware you had arranged to borrow an air rifle off Todd, to be honest, I’d forgotten about it.

As you say, it was just a general gripe about the whole aspect of sharing rifles unnecessarily (IMHO), not just at this competition – gripe made, gripe over.

But just to point out, you only need to hire a rifle for 20 minutes now, so there’s a cost saving for you ;)


Hi to you all. I have just been reading your posts on equipment sharing at international competition.
Benchrest is the pursuit of perfection in all aspects of accuracy, and target score.
A. The Rifle and it's ability - Actions, Triggers, Barrels, Stocks, The harmonics Control- Tuners / Tubes
B. Ammunition,
In the rimfire events, I feel this is something that should be developed more to obtain better consistency and performance towards perfection, as has been the case in Centre-Fire Benchrest accuracy ammunition. A development class, something to ponder!
C. The Rests Systems and performance
D. The Condition Indicators _ Flags, Wind Vanes or Probes
E. The benches used in competition

All of the above are achieved or developed through many hours and years of research and development by those with innovative Ideas, the skilled in engineering and the shooting skills developed through many years and hours of practice.
Now let us say we have perfection in the shooting tools. Who win’s
Answer -The shooter with the best mechanical physical skill technique and mind, that can read their “Condition” reading equipment.

When and with the conditions that varies, in every detail at every competition. The top Shooter seems to rise to the top if their equipment is competitive and they read their conditions.

So how do we judge who is best, and Winner - Does Everyone shoots the exact same equipment and ammunition? The shooter with the best shooting technique and condition reading skills should win. Yes that sound fair.

This stifles the pursuit of perfection in all aspects of equipment and skills.

MONEY makes the difference - if you have it, to buy, or to build the finest shooting tools. You have reduced the variables in your equipment. By so, you have confidence in your equipment to perform in a minimise range of variables - YOU HAVE AN ADVANTAGE.

So if you or your team use a specific group of equipment or others equipment that you all have confidence in to perform in that minimised range of variables desired - YOU HAVE AN ADVANTAGE

Then you have to have the shooter or team of shooters that has developed the skills to perform in the conditions of each detail of the competition.

Most shooters have to compete using their own equipment in local, regional, state or national competition to qualify for a team selection. So they have proven their skills and their equipment to qualify for that team.

Once you are in a, state or national team, it is a team, and if monitory constraints on that team, restricts the volume of equipment to be freighted. Then it is my belief or opinion the only equipment to be used is your individual equipment or should be team equipment, either transported from the team’s home, state or in this case, of this discussion being international competition. From their home nation to the competition, or purchased to be used exclusively by the team at the competition.

For example to have a Rifle, Rifles or any other equipment built or supplied or contracted for use at that competition and this to be funded by the team’s home country association or benefactors.

If you are shooting as an individual in a team at an international competition and you had to qualify for selection using equipment. Then that is what you should have to shot at the international competition, unless you contract for the build or supply of other equipment to be used only by you or others of your team members for that competition.

It would be nice to be on an equal playing field, but due to the skill and knowledge of those that invest the time money and their skills in the persuit of perfection, it is not so. The Cream always rises to the top with the effort and funds invested.

I have been involved in a number of sports at national and international level and the thing I treasure most is the lifelong friends and relationships that have evolved from that involvement and investment in effort.

BE THANKFUL - for the quality and the work ethic of the people I have met in the short time I have returned to the BR shooting sports.
These new and some old acquaintances are of equal to any sport I have been involved with and the BR world should feel lucky to have them devoting their efforts in developing your sports, pursuit of perfection.