Eley, Red Box, Pistol, Calfee



My friends:

Just came from the range testing SPEC 8.........it's sold....

MY dear friends, before I proceed, I have absolutely nothing for sale on this fine forum of my friend Wilbur's...........nothing, for as long as I live...

I'm booked for life......which ain't long......

I love rimfire accuracy.....I have no other reason for posting.....I love to share with you.......

May I proceed?

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Bill, by all means proceed. I'm interested in reading what you have to say, and I'm sure a lot of other folks are as well. Make it interesting!
It usually is interesting... but, please, can you hold back on repeating the same sentences over and over, as if we forgot we just read it 3 seconds earlier? Makes it a lot easier to hold that interest. :D
My friends

My friends:

I'm headed to the range to retest SPEC 8........before I say what I was going to about the new Tenex Pistol, I want to make sure I didn't get fooled in some way........

If I see the same thing, here in a few minutes, as I did yesterday, I'll be glad to write about it....fair enough..

Your friend, Bill Calfee

PS Friend Shorty: I'll do my best but if you ever read any of my Precision Shooting writings it is obvious I ain't no writer....bc
My friends

My friends:

Been an interesting day......

I've put in a call to the gentleman in New York who will be SPEC 8's new owner.........I want to suggest he purchase some of the ammo I tested today.....whether he does or not is his business.......I'm just suggesting it to him....

As soon as I hear from him, and I'm sure he gets some, if he want it, I'll report on this days tests.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Your Record is Stuck Again

Mr. Calfee, Tape a penny on your phonograph arm so the needle will play the rest of the "Red Box Eley" song It starts to play but but then hangs up and plays the same track over and over! That penny on the arm will take care of your problem..............;):D;) At least it worked on mine years ago;)

The penny trick did work well enough but the problem was actually the record not the playing equipment! Good analogy though. My best, Guy
Yes......... Things are really getting desperate. I just read the whole thread. Now I'm going into my bedroom and pound my head against the wall while repeating..."you knew better"..."you knew better"..."you knew better".
cant someone

Bill does touch on the subject on the General Discussion Board under his Stopped Muzzle. It's the last post.

Shortage of supply

It's no secret, that Quality Pistol ammo, whether it be Eley , or Lapua will preform well in match grade barrels. The problem is that the dealers don't handle it. I've tried several times to order in quanity, only to be told they are out of staock.
The " Eley Pistol" is the round nose bullet ( The one that Bill was trying to get Eley to reintroduce), rather than the EPS bullet.
Friend Steve:

Freind Steve:

I quote from you my friend:

steve The "Eley Pistol" is the round nose bullet ( The one that Bill was trying to get Eley to reintroduce), rather than the EPS bullet.

Friend Steve: I just came from the range testing SPEC 8, using the Eley Tenex Pistol.....you are correct, it is my "round nose bullet"....

Steve, I'm just thinking out loud: Has Eley came full circle?

Your friend, Bill Calfee
My guess is that you convinced them to use it because you told them that you would promote it like snake oil.
You may not have seen it carried anywhere, but it has never gone away. They never stopped producing rounds with that round nose bullet, just under a different name, as you've now seen. I imagine the round with the EPS bullet is just more popular, that's all.
Has Eley came full circle?
Why Mr. Calfee continues to promote the round nosed bullet is beyond me.

Isn't this the same bullet design that kept Eley ammunition mediocre (at best!) all throughout the 80's and early 90's??!??

I am thankful his influence is limited regarding Eley - the EPS flat nosed bullet was (and is, in my opinion) one of the best advances in my lifetime.

Friend Kevin, I'm just an over-educated big city feller with finished floors and lace-up shoes, but I agree with you as to the bullet design. I'd say your shooting record speaks louder than a scratched record.

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Why Mr. Calfee continues to promote the round nosed bullet is beyond me.

Isn't this the same bullet design that kept Eley ammunition mediocre (at best!) all throughout the 80's and early 90's??!??

I am thankful his influence is limited regarding Eley - the EPS flat nosed bullet was (and is, in my opinion) one of the best advances in my lifetime.


The bullet tip is one of several changes made to their slugs over the last few years or the whole ammo package for that matter.How do we put a value on the individual changes? I mean this seriously, I've asked myself.
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