Eley Ammo Testing


New member
Just received new 2500XS with Lilja barrel, tuner and TM BR stock. Is testing at the Eley Range via Killough a good value or a waste of $ ?
They will also tune the tuner for an additional fee. Value ?
Any comments appreciated.
Just received new 2500XS with Lilja barrel, tuner and TM BR stock. Is testing at the Eley Range via Killough a good value or a waste of $ ?
They will also tune the tuner for an additional fee. Value ?
Any comments appreciated.

If you are not well versed on a practical test regimine it is a value proposition. Remember, they are going to test Tennex not match.
Optimum results are more likely when they have new supply, several lots.
Last I knew, tuning is your responsibility, so get some local help if you can to get you in the neighborhood if nothing else.
This said, the recent supplys from ELEY are generally considered to be quite good across the board.
Just received new 2500XS with Lilja barrel, tuner and TM BR stock. Is testing at the Eley Range via Killough a good value or a waste of $ ?
They will also tune the tuner for an additional fee. Value ?
Any comments appreciated.
It certainly is if winning is part of your game. We all know that that the right ammo is a large part of what makes accuracy. This testing will help you select the best ammo for your rifle. It removes the wind and human factor. If Dan will adjust your tuner, by all means, let him. They have adjusted many and they know how.

Concho Bill
Yes, and Dan (or one of his people) did tune one for me. To be fair, it was a few years ago. Call him and ask. He is willing to talk and answer questions....one of the reasons he is in business is to help shooters. If Paul answers he is equally versed. bob
Interesting responses. Has anyone out there actually used this testing service ?

Yes, both tuning and lot testing Tenex, as Tim mentioned. Eley does not allow Dan to test anything but Tenex. Last I knew, barrel tuning a rifle had a cost of $200. Well worth it when it comes down to ammo cost, computer measured results, indoor benign conditions and a printout of the results.

Lapua also lot tests ammo. I have tested there twice, actually been in the room while my rifles were being tested both times. Last I knew, they did NOT test SK, only Lapua. Things have changed there since they changed hands as of Jan 2018. My last time testing there was Dec 2017, before the changes.

As Mr. Finger mentioned, Dan or Paul at Killough can answer your questions with confidence. They are also 1 of only 2 importers of Eley stateside and have access to the other importer's inventory.
Interesting responses. Has anyone out there actually used this testing service ?

Yes, I bought the rifle through KSS and had them test for the correct ammo lot and adjust the tuner. I subsequently purchased 5K rounds of Eley Tennex. It shoots amazingly well. I have shot many groups similar to their best efforts but stall have not agged the way they did. I accept responsibility for that. I am about done with the original lot so I am at a point where I may send the rifle back to them and let them determine my next lot or I may do it myself. Interestingly enough I did find an RWS R50 ammo lot that shot extremely well in my rifle. Problem is/was by the time I actually got to test the ammo their stock was nearly depleted. I could start over but the new shooting season is just around the corner and I may not have the time to test new ammo. I may need to ask KSS to do it for ]me again. I also may give Lapua a shot as I also did find one lot that worked very well but need more data.