effectiveness of clean case interior

I never saw a difference,and i have fired the Dasher cases around a hundred times but i anneal every time………. jim
as compared to WHAT?
lets see in a br rifle a dirty neck vs a clean neck...probably;
a dirty case wall in a hunting load of a commerial hunting rifle///probably not..
silly undefined question.

the comparison I'm asking about is accurate vs. inaccurate, whether it's a $5000 BR rig or an off the shelf AR15. Does having a clean case interior, not neck, make a difference. enough definition for you?
does having a clean case interior really make any difference in accuracy?

Although I have done no specific organized testing of such, I'll give you my opinion based on fifty plus years of reloading and over twenty-six years of short range benchrest competition.


Leaving the cases as fired vs., meticulous cleaning by whatever means will have no effect on accuracy.

Others may disagree.

Gene Beggs
The original question simply asked if having the inside of the case clean made a difference in accuracy. What the heck needs to be defined?

Just about impossible to quantify any difference in performance between clean or uncleaned interiors. Keep in mind, barring any cleaning media, etc. being left in the case, the burning of powder at 50,000+ psi does a pretty good job of leveling the playing field on the inside of the case. Lots of folks are into the newer liquid cleaning systems that clean inside and outside but I don't see any advantage to it. Personally, I do not want the inside of my necks cleaned. One of the benefits of fire-forming brass is to get a coating on the inside of the neck to make seating and tension more consistent.

If you prefer pretty cases, cleaned inside and out, I do not believe it will be detrimental to accuracy.
I for one like pretty cases, I've used a tumbler, I've used sonic cleaners, but have not seen a substantial degree in accuracy. But I do keep the necks clean, why put more carbon down the barrel! And like Jim, I anneal every time so the cases should be clean before this. So I say if you have the time clean them every once in a while, can't hurt. And the inside of the neck when cleaned use moly or something to keep it lubed or you will just gall the bullets and your seating depth will vary. So don't be lazy and look for shortcuts clean the cases!

Joe Salt
I hand brush the necks immediately after firing. I doubt the carbon has any impact on accuracy but I do two swipes for the hell of it. After depriming I also clean the primer pockets but that's it. Now I never tumble for fear the necks will get dinged. Sonic looks slick but I haven't got into yet.

Let me re-answer if you will

Cleaning the case necks doesn't have anything to do with accuracy unless you think it does - then it does. I cleaned and polished enough necks to know that there was something else at play that made neck cleaning all but ridiculous. But, go back and read the first sentence and follow it to death.
Great Answer

Cleaning the case necks doesn't have anything to do with accuracy unless you think it does - then it does.

Good advice...and true for a lot of things in life including medicine, religion and rituals for good luck at the gambling table.
I do the inside of the necks with a nylon brush, the primer pockets with the K&M uniformer and last is the outside with 0000 steel wool….. set a bunch of records with them, if that is the accuracy you need…… jim
Clean necks

I usually give the inside of the necks a couple of passes with a nylon brush each time I load. Did the accuracy suffer by not doing it. Who knows. I just found after about 4 to 5 loads I could feel the bullets scuffing as they seated and I just didn't like the feeling. As far as cleaning the brass inside and out. Well when they have got pretty grubby looking from sweaty fingers, etc I given them a wash in CTC for a couple of minutes.
thanks to all who have provided meaningful replies to my post. I'm someone who fell for the "sparkling inside and out" methods and found both the tumbling or sonic cleaning much too onerous. I think I'll be going back to some of the minimalist methods.
To put it another way, Hall Of Fame listed WINNERS don't clean their cases, generally. Besides, if your cases are carboning up you're loading to light to be consistent.
Old Dood for what it's worth, I've been using the same 15 cases for 3 years when doing load work up in three different 1000 yd rifles. The only thing I do is annealem after each firing.. They're filthy but they've produce loads for me in each of the three rifles which shoot pretty well. There's probably over 100 firings in each case and they still work! In fact I'll be using them in March for load work up.
Like it's been said, if clean makes you more confident then keepem clean.
Old Dood for what it's worth, I've been using the same 15 cases for 3 years when doing load work up in three different 1000 yd rifles. The only thing I do is annealem after each firing.. They're filthy but they've produce loads for me in each of the three rifles which shoot pretty well. There's probably over 100 firings in each case and they still work! In fact I'll be using them in March for load work up.
Like it's been said, if clean makes you more confident then keepem clean.

100 firings and they haven't come apart...... LISSEN to this guy y'all
100 firings and they haven't come apart...... LISSEN to this guy y'all

Noooooo not each, my bad! I've been shooting roughly groups of 5 at different seating depths with 3 sets of 15 cases, one set per rifle. Looking back in my load books I've shot each case anywhere from 10-15 times soooo I've sent roughly 150-175 rounds down the tube. Sorry didn't mean to be misleading. However they're still filthy and still consistent.
Vinny I can't believe I've been wasting my time all these years, but I'm Retired now, ha ha. So I still want mine pretty! But you were still kicking some serious butt with your dirty cases!

Joe Salt
Joe, yours shoot as good as they look and they're beautiful!!!

How's the snow?
Thanks Vinny! Can't wait to start shooting again this year,I've got the brass all shined up waiting for Eddy to make my Dies, thats another reason I keep my brass clean. You can ruin a good set of Dies real fast. So Pretty is never having to say, OH Sh$$

Joe Salt