Edgewood new 'Tracker' rear bag reviews

Has anyone ever tried this new Edgewood Tracker rear bag ? If so, do you like it ?
Yes, I have one and love it. Just got the Hybrid X front rest yesterday and looking forward to putting my rifle between these two products.
ms ezell, just how many hall of fame points do you have in real benchrest as in ibs or nbrsa ???....yep i got one and have two NATIONAL WINS...sort of actually do vs talk about a wantabe game.
ms ezell, just how many hall of fame points do you have in real benchrest as in ibs or nbrsa ???....yep i got one and have two NATIONAL WINS...sort of actually do vs talk about a wantabe game.

I'd compare National match results with you anytime but changing the subject now doesn't help your position. It shows your erroneous posts are wrong, lies or both. Which is it? Can't argue with facts so you try to change the topic.

I get it...you don't like ubr, something you've never tried and are obviously clueless about. So don't shoot it! Simple.
Jerry, how wide is the spacing at the bottom of the ears? It looks like there's not a flat area but more of a rounded trough?

Thanks! -Al
Al, I measure about 3/4 of an inch. However, it seems to be pretty flat through most of the bottom. My bag seems to have a little angle from the toe to the heel, so I set mine up with the toe towards the rest. This appears to be contrary to what the picture shows on the Edgewood site. I find it is very easy to find the "neutral" position of the bag when rotating it slightly. I think this pairs nicely with the Hybrid X front rest, which accomplishes the same thing by loosening and tightening a couple of screws. As I just received the Hybrid X, I haven't had the opportunity to validate that theory yet.


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ms ezell says she understands my opinion, but refuses to let me have it. ezell is nothing but an internet bully. when he cannot win a discussion heads up he switches to bullying and and large posts. look at this thread, he has about 12 posts, aways larger than my post...his bully position is bigger posts are more important, carry more weight. pure internet bully with the inability to accept the FACT that their game is a HANDICAP FORMAT , PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
now lets see his ibs/nbrsa national points
from post # 27:
it is impossible to truthfully claim that ubr is real br,...everytime i pint out the error of ubr being called br,
From post # 46:
the inability to accept the FACT that [the UBR] game is a HANDICAP FORMAT , PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

Two quotes from the NBRSA website:

"Benchrest shooting is all about accuracy."​
"Because of ... the best-edge scoring that lends a slight advantage to the larger calibers, the typical score rifle is usually some flavor 30 caliber."​

Based on that first quote from the NBRSA, it's easy to think of UBR as "real br"; after all it is "all about accuracy."
Based on that second quote from the NBRSA, one might think of IBS/NBRSA score shooting as a "HANDICAP FORMAT."

Why argue about the difference between IBS/NBRSA and UBR; just shoot whatever lights your fire.
Well, 3 pages and 47 posts. About 5 or so posts that actually addressed the OP's original question. A perfect example of why a lot of shooters that have considerable knowledge and experience in the BR games that could help others, do not post on forums.

Has anyone ever tried this new Edgewood Tracker rear bag ? If so, do you like it ?
I have one Used it for about a year off/on--mainly in practice
My complaint is/was
1.) The stock (Scoville stock-6ppc rifles) rode flat on the top of the bag and had difficulty having any open space under the stock.
2.) I like for the stock to ride on the lower portion of the ears with some see air through under the stock
3.) It is well made--good workmanship
4.) I felt the bag did not absorb the recoil of the rifle to my satisfaction.
5. Maybe just me but i thought the rifle had a tendency to "Bounce (Jump)a Bit" with rifle recoil

Maybe if I had a wider stock i would of had a better experience????
Maybe alter the sand amount ???

I thought it was better to change the rest than multiple stocks to get the fit i desired.

Just my opinion

ms ezell says she understands my opinion, but refuses to let me have it. ezell is nothing but an internet bully. when he cannot win a discussion heads up he switches to bullying and and large posts. look at this thread, he has about 12 posts, aways larger than my post...his bully position is bigger posts are more important, carry more weight. pure internet bully with the inability to accept the FACT that their game is a HANDICAP FORMAT , PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
now lets see his ibs/nbrsa national points
It must be true, if you say so. 🤔
I have one Used it for about a year off/on--mainly in practice
My complaint is/was
1.) The stock (Scoville stock-6ppc rifles) rode flat on the top of the bag and had difficulty having any open space under the stock.
2.) I like for the stock to ride on the lower portion of the ears with some see air through under the stock
3.) It is well made--good workmanship
4.) I felt the bag did not absorb the recoil of the rifle to my satisfaction.
5. Maybe just me but i thought the rifle had a tendency to "Bounce (Jump)a Bit" with rifle recoil

Maybe if I had a wider stock i would of had a better experience????
Maybe alter the sand amount ???

I thought it was better to change the rest than multiple stocks to get the fit i desired.

Just my opinion

Thanks, Doc. The air gap was my concern. Hopefully this season I can throw my guns on one and see how it fits.

Wishing you and yours a good Christmas. 👍 -Al
I have one Used it for about a year off/on--mainly in practice.

I thought it was better to change the rest than multiple stocks to get the fit i desired.

Just my opinion

Hey Doc, if you want to part with that bag, I may be interested in it for educational reasons.
You can PM me or you have my phone #.

Merry Christmas!..........Scott
Here are some pictures of the Tracker bag one is a McMillen hunter and the other is a Bruno edge the bag needs a little more sand


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Before the 30br came on the scene, most everyone shot a 6ppc in vfs and won with them. Occasionally, they still do but virtually no one builds a new 6mm vfs rifle these days because when the 30br came on the scene, it dominated vfs pretty fast...because it would shoot with a ppc but also cut a bigger hole in the target, giving it a clear advantage over the 6s.

Several shooters left the game because they refused to build a 30 to be competitive in vfs. But, the handwriting was on the wall that the vfs game had changed due to this scoring advantage. People bitched and moaned but it was too late. Pandoras box had been opened and the game changed. You no longer see many 6s in vfs and I don't know when the last one was built new, for vfs. It doesn't make much sense. The 30br changed vfs for good...for better or worse.

All of this was maybe 15 or so years before there was any such thing as ubr.

It's funny, looking back on all of this....all the bitching and complaining about how the 30 ruined vfs because of its scoring advantage...and now how ubr, a caliber neutral br for score discipline that does away with any caliber having any scoring advantage, somehow is unfair to the 30s.

Trust me, it's very equal. No scoring advantage given to any caliber. Simply weigh out the pros and cons and shoot whatever you think gives you the best chance to win.

In no way do I see how that is unfair or advantageous to any caliber. It doesn't favor a 6 and it doesn't take away from a 30. As well, the 22s have been pretty hot for the last year or so....in a score game.

That should tell you that it doesn't favor the 6s and that the caliber neutral aspect does not play favorites.
Again, ubr allows you to be competitive with whatever you believe is best. It's not decided by the size of the bullet hole but by the best gun and shooter. I'm not sure why that bothers anyone that understands it.
Mike In UBR is the dot (X) bigger on the 6mm target than the 30cal X to even the playing field out? I campaigned a 6 in VFS for years and had modest success winning some matches. My issue was hitting the x with the 6 and having no problems with hitting the 10 ring. So, I went to a 30ppc utilizing N-120 and I'm doing better with this combo. IMHO At VFS 200 yards the 6ppc has the advantage over the 30's. smaller bullet, less time in the air and of course confidence. The 2022 Texas State VFS Nationals was won without a 30BR at either yardage. Kinda fun going against the norm like R.G. and his world-famous BIB's... (That'll never work.) lol
Have a great evening...
Mike In UBR is the dot (X) bigger on the 6mm target than the 30cal X to even the playing field out? I campaigned a 6 in VFS for years and had modest success winning some matches. My issue was hitting the x with the 6 and having no problems with hitting the 10 ring. So, I went to a 30ppc utilizing N-120 and I'm doing better with this combo. IMHO At VFS 200 yards the 6ppc has the advantage over the 30's. smaller bullet, less time in the air and of course confidence. The 2022 Texas State VFS Nationals was won without a 30BR at either yardage. Kinda fun going against the norm like R.G. and his world-famous BIB's... (That'll never work.) lol
Have a great evening...
Here's a link explaining it in detail.

And, just saw this on here...good read
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ohh loook a spammer or a mouthpeice...
either way no other sport uses different goals ..not football, not basketball, not any sport...
just some whinners that want to rule in their win
I didn't get you banned over there...you were already banned!! I reported you for that because of this same crap and it wasn't a first time or a second but was many times before I reported the fact that you had backdoored your way in to the forum using a made up name, email and overall identity. Exactly why there are security measures in place to protect members from unscrupulous people from being scammed. In your defense, you can't seem to help yourself. It's just how you are. But being you is what gets in in trouble. You even had Paul, the forum admin on accurate fooled for a bit and I'm sure the same here. Unfortunately, this site is not being well moderated at this time or you'd be gone from here yet again because you are a multi time banned person posting as someone entirely different, beating the security measures in place here and there to protect other members.

mike in colorado ring any bells to anyone here. That's him. He has been banned under numerous names yet here he is again. What were your other alias' Mike? I can't remember them all. I left you alone there and I left you alone here but you can't act like a horse's arse and expect to be left alone forever, man. and he is better at beating the rules than you are at playing by them. I'll give you that much. Those rules are for other members protection. I would not enter into any transaction with someone that goes so far out of their way to hide their identity. You're good at that. Even Paul said so. He was pretty amazed at how you did it. The question becomes, do you do it just so you can act a fool or for more sinister reasons. Either way, you are a banned poster who has beat the system and you're back without approval, afaik.

This site needs more posters and I'd love to see it get back to where it was before Wilbur passed but his intentions were for you to be gone. Again, how many times have you been banned here and elsewhere. The time I reported you accounts for only one, out of how many?
I remember Mike and in our limited conversations there were no issues ,however he seemed to have a knack for getting crossways with some of folks here. After while no one would respond to his posts and he faded away.

I have one Used it for about a year off/on--mainly in practice
My complaint is/was
1.) The stock (Scoville stock-6ppc rifles) rode flat on the top of the bag and had difficulty having any open space under the stock.
2.) I like for the stock to ride on the lower portion of the ears with some see air through under the stock
3.) It is well made--good workmanship
4.) I felt the bag did not absorb the recoil of the rifle to my satisfaction.
5. Maybe just me but i thought the rifle had a tendency to "Bounce (Jump)a Bit" with rifle recoil

Maybe if I had a wider stock i would of had a better experience????
Maybe alter the sand amount ???

I thought it was better to change the rest than multiple stocks to get the fit i desired.

Just my opinion

Per Doc's statement - highlighted [above] in red, when using stitched bags, which allow the stock to ride on the stitched "flat", I tend get more vertical, as compared to using the same bag, with "old-school" round bottomed butt stocks. With stitched bags, I shoot noticeably better using the old, "round bottomed", Lee Six and new laminated (wood) stocks. No intent to disparage the new design, but rather reinforce Doc's concept/statement - my favorite rear bag is an Edgewood GATER. RG