Douglas Rifle BBLs view online


New member
Ok I give up...... There is a pop up add that says " Douglas Rifle Barrels view the manufacturing process online?????????????? How does one do that? What do we click on???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:confused:
Ok I give up...... There is a pop up add that says " Douglas Rifle Barrels view the manufacturing process online?????????????? How does one do that? What do we click on???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:confused:

It hasn't worked since I've been clicking on it; about three years. I own two Douglas barrels, both chambered in .243 AI. The first one has about 1500 sizzling Ackley loads through it and still shoots. The throat and barrel look like a dry watering hole in the Serengeti. The second barrel hasn't been shot yet. Douglas is no slouch as far as barrels go for varminting and pleasurable shooting.
I think I remember viewing it several years ago

But it hasn't worked for me either, I wanted to watch it again.