Doug Bell injured



Just found out Doug Bell fell from a ladder and broke his right wrist just a few days before leaving Florida for his summer residence in
Wisconsin.He'll be in a cast for at least six week.For a guy who shoots almost daily I'll bet he's already climbing the walls.
Doug we'll miss you.Get well soon.
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Been there done that, good luck with the toilet paper in the left hand. Get well soon.
Doug: Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Ladders are terrible things. Take care of yourself and hoping the wrist heals quickly and you get back to 100%. Now, look on the bright side; all that killer ammo will still be waiting for you when you recover. bob

Sorry to hear about your misfortune.. Hope the wrist heals quickly and you can get back to shooting...

Get that hand working and we will seee you in July at Chief City Shooters.

John Spafford
Doug was at Willow River Saturday to visit and lend moral support but couldn't shoot with the cast and sling on his right arm. Hope you heal up quick Dougie, and when you do I hope you continue having the great year you started with.

Sorry to hear about your accident. We're all plugging for you to get back on the bench. Use a sturdy one; you know how us old people are but you can still shoot with your a** in a sling.
Thanks guys.....I will be in a cast for 6 weeks minimum. The ladder tipped over and I fell about 4 feet. I hit the ground hard and broke my right wrist and a rib. Dont know what hurts worse. The broken bones or not being able to shoot. I hope to be doing some shooting in the next 2 weeks. Gerald...being right handed and having to use the left hand to wipe the old bottom is awkward to say the least...................Thanks again. Doug
Jeez Doug,

You should be having your Mrs up on that ladder this time of year. Hope everything heals correctly and tou are in good form soon.

Hi Pete....not getting any younger and it could take awhile....FBecigneul....My wife would never let me hear the end of that. I would owe her till the day i die. What are you thinking.:rolleyes: Doug
Hi Pete....not getting any younger and it could take awhile....FBecigneul....My wife would never let me hear the end of that. I would owe her till the day i die. What are you thinking.:rolleyes: Doug

Sorry about your misfortune Dougie..Guess you didn't injure the trigger finger so suck it up :) You should be healed up enough by August to jump on the ferry and shoot in the Michigan state tourney...BTW, about that ammo you can't use.
Hi Dick.....The trigger finger reminds me that the wrist is broken. Any pulling with the fingers sends a message to the brain, saying if you keep it up, I will hurt you. I will try to get it to heal as fast as possible, so I will be ready for you and the pipeliner when we meet again. No ammo problems right now, for obvious reasons. I heard through the grape vine that Eley has sent over some good lots this time. Actually I have 6 new lots sitting here waiting to be tested. If they don't shoot, I am sure the pipeliner will love em. Good luck in In. Doug