Does anyone know where I can get new 22-250 brass?


New member
Haven’t seen any in over 1 year from local stores or online. No signs anyone is about to produce any with all the new cartridges that have become so popular. The good old 22-250 Remington seems abandoned. I cannot believe it. If anyone has any new brass they don’t want, or knows where I can get some, let me know. Or if you have inside information that a company will soon produce some, I will wait. Lapua told me not until the Ukraine war ends…. I can buy factory loaded ammo and reload that brass, but before I do, I thought about this forum and want to ask just in case.

Jared Pickett
Thanks, without this forum I would still be looking for 22-250 brass. Thanks to you guys, I’m good. I’ll wear it out as fast as I can, then look again for more.