Does anybody seen better group



than this? Anywhere, anytime. This group apparently was shot by Matt Dienes in practice at 1000/yards.

Shoot well


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Scrub cases, cull bullets-"just trying to get on the target".
Iowa Nationals 2005

Matt shot that group in a practice session before the 2005 IBS Nationals in Pella, IA. I think it was a 300 WinMag with 240 SMK's.
Matt Dienes said:
We don't talk about that target...
Board says "Originally Posted By" but that was a verbal quote.

No, nobody has shot anything that small.

Give him a little time, he'll repeat it.
The group

I believe the group was shot with a 300 Win Mag and 240 Sierra Match Kings. The group was -- I have the exact size somewhere but I will have to look it up. I have a picture of the group hanging in my shop.

And a big NO to anyone shooting 10 shots that centered and that small at 1000 yards. Matt is a great competitor.

Jim Hardy
:eek: Please excuse my ignorance, I'm new to this forum and benchrest shooting in general. What is the size of that X ring anyway? I just picked up a dandy rifle in .264 WinMag that I will take a crack with.


It's always a treat to see how long it takes for someone to add a thread to stir everyone one up!!!!

This one took 10 before the hornets nest got hit with the wiffle ball bat!

Must be pretty boring in CA if these groups are common place? I'm glad I shoot in the east then, gives me something to strive toward.

Wolfdawg out!!!!:cool:

Hi All , For those that have pursued small 10 shot groups at 1K in any part of the world ,they know that Matts group is something special and will be very hard to duplicate either in a warmer or a match for many years to come ..My hat is off to this terrific effort..JR..Jeff Rogers

Hi All , For those that have pursued small 10 shot groups at 1K in any part of the world ,they know that Matts group is something special and will be very hard to duplicate either in a warmer or a match for many years to come ..My hat is off to this terrific effort..JR..Jeff Rogers

I couldn't agree more with Jeff. Matt we all hope one day you'll better it. At 1K this group and it's position is mind boggling.

Shoot well
Wow-kind Words

Peter, I sure hope to even come close to that group again.And as 4 Mesh stated,I really don't like to talk about it,what could've been doesn't interest me.It was pretty cool to shoot it,especially in Iowa.It was dead calm, I mean there was nothing going on,nothing like the Saturday that followed it when I shot"haha.
It was with a 3oo win mag-240smk-rl 22,no sorting of bullets or brass in fact the brass was sighter brass loaded the night before we left and while drinkn beer.Definite,not match ammo.Hmmm..
And to think that I sold that rifle.But my new HG shows some promise of repeating something close to this group.Time will tell. Matt

I'll bet there was a "Ground Hog" dance in there too. :D

That seems to be the winning trick!!

We need to see more Ground Hog dances.

nice group

matt you have shot a lot of nice groups this past year.the group you shot didn't make "offical record" statice but its the only 2" should still be have the experence you have done it when the magic relay comes again just be time I see you when you lest exspect it I will kick you in the shin for selling that gun though.:D