detached retina

I am not giving up.
But..i spent the last 2 weeks trying to shoot right hand,
and it is work, not fun.
So i will take my time, and ride the
bike for a while.

The doc says very slim chance of a repeat.
Have you thought about getting a sidewinder scope mount? A couple of people I know run that way. Both have a plate mounted on top of the action with the scope set on that. It turns out usually that your off eye is somewhat higher than your master eye when you're on the rifle so that sort of arrangement works out well - and you get rid of barrel mirage issues. The plate allows you to finesse the right offset too.

I'd like to post an image, but I've never bothered to photograph them up to now.
I am actually right handed(but left eye dominant), it is the right eyes
failure to cooperate that is the issue.
I an hoping with time it will get use to being the aiming eye...
something it has not done for close to 60 yrs.
My daughter was left eye dominant and we were told she needed to be right eye dominant if she was ever to be a good archer. She shot with an eye patch for about 2 months and the conversion was achieved. She is a many time state champ. I think what made her work so hard at it was shooting at dollar bills, you hit it you own it. That was a big deal for an 8 year old. After 2 or 3 it got folded in half. then 1/4.
Curious to the point of asking....why did she need to do that instead of getting a left handed bow?
thanks boyd,
the doc says it is not really an issue, and
one pc rests are not allowed in our club matches.
it really is a case of the right eye never having this task
for the last 60 years, i suspect it will take some time for it to
"learn" its new job .
club matches are much slower than registered matches.
thanks again
Fortunately those big 50 revolvers don't hurt your eyeballs unless they hit you in the head, which they do try to do.

'Magnum forehead'

Not to be confused with 'Magnum Eye' when the scope hit your brow line.
Wilbur I am sorry I missed your question till now. Because she is very right handed, and while I have helped people convert to left handed cause of an eye problem that cant be fixed, working with the eye dominance is better and easier in her sitiuation. She turned into a teenager and hasn't shot a bow since.
Thanks ebb!

Wonder why teenagers quit doing what they're good at? Rhetorical question for sure!
I had that

If you have flashes around the edges of your vision at all, get it checked out by a real eye doctor. I was having quite a few so I finally went in. The doc said I was about 2 weeks from a detached retina. He put me right in the chair and did laser surgery right then. He caught it in time.

When you get to 60 or so, your retinas may shrink and pull away from the edges. That causes the flashes and can lead to tearing and detachment. This is the usual cause. It is luck of the draw, and having it in one eye means you only have about a 1 in 500 chance of having it in the other. A properly repaired eye will only have about a 1 in 100 chance of a recurrence.

Laser suregery is not fun, but it beats having an air bubble injected into your eye and laying face down for 2 weeks. That is what they do for detachments in some cases.

I have those flashes. Being a diabetic I get checked out every 6 months. Turns out one of the two chambers filled with fluid in the eye the vitreous chamber closest to the retina can touch and move away from the retina. When we are born the chamber touches the retina in about 3 spots. As we get older the chamber shrinks a little and moves away from contact. As it makes and breaks contact you will see flashes. This isn't a problem but it's best to find out for sure.
You want to see funny go to Accurate reloading and look at the heading humor and videos. I really like any of the videos about shooting the T rex and don't poke the cat.
I have had a couple of eye doc appointments in the last couple of weeks.
Today, i had someone tell me the most likely outcome.
The left eye has "vision" but not clarity.
My right eye does not like scope shooting.
I shot an 200 yd iron sight match and did ok.
Shooting is no longer fun.

Pretty sure i am now a biker, and recreational shooter.