DENTON TX NBRSA Texa Showdown Jun 24/25


NTSA will host the Texas Showdown on Jun 24/25. This is a four gun event at 200 yards. The UL is a 5 shot event so bag guns can complete. The range will be open Friday 23 from 9am - 5pm for practice. A free BBQ lunch will be provided by NTSA on Saturday at the clubs house. Look forward to seeing all you there for a good time and hopefully a few small groups.

Dont forget to come to Denton,Tx This weekend. The NTSA is putting on a Benchrest Match!. The Weather experts report that temperatures will be in the Mid eighties and light winds for Saturday and Sunday. Other than Politicians, Weather reporters are the only professionals I know of, that get paid for telling lies. Lets just hope they got it right this time. Don't forget your Red Bug repellent Spray. They are feeding on the local human population this year.


Google up motels near Denton,Tx. Some like the Sanger Inn up at Sanger,Tx.

See ya there.

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My wife wanted to go to this, she has a retired teacher friend in Denton she wanted to visit. They would head for that big Casino at Winstar.

But we have the NBRSA Gulf Coast Region VFS Championship in Lake Charles this week end. Can't miss that.

Sometimes I wonder. If we lived in a World,where there were no scheduling conflicts. Would we be any happier?

Good Luck at the VFS match in Lake Charles. Hope to see ya soon. Don't forget to bring an extra trigger guard.:D


Texas Showdown Match Results


  • Texas Showdown Four Gun.pdf
    256.5 KB · Views: 215
  • Texas Showdown LV 200y.pdf
    261.4 KB · Views: 157
  • Texas Showdown HV 200y.pdf
    259.3 KB · Views: 152
  • Texas Showdown Unlimited 200y.pdf
    260.2 KB · Views: 151
  • Texas Showdown Sporter 200y.pdf
    259.2 KB · Views: 146