Denton nbrsa vfs


Ok a new year. Mar. 31st / Apr. 1st. Denton will hold our NBRSA VFS two day event. Sat. will be LV and Sun. HV. This may give those 6ppc whiners a little more opportunity!

Lunch will be provided both days (brisket and burgers).
Range open Friday for practice.
I'm asking our competators to unload their equipment and then park in the field north of the loading area. This will make us a much better traffic flow for the weekend and give people more room to move around the loading area. For those who have not been out for a while the club purchased the land just north of our range so we have much better parking.

Trophies by yardage, grand and two gun!
Our 4H team will be working the targets and hope to have some refershments on Sat. PM to help us relax and shoot the bull after the match.

If the wind performs as normal you won't need the Xs to win! Just shoot clean!
Any questions drop me a note or give the range a call. I'm looking for a record attendance - this should be a fun match - Dr. Tim will do one pushup for each person who beats him on each yardage or a quick exam (take the pushups!).

Hey Mike

Look forward to joining the fun with my little 6PPC. Couple of questions

What is the cost for both days
How much is lunch
Will the bench draw be Satutday Morning
Do we start shooting at 9 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday

And Tim needs to do push ups just cause !!!

I will be sure to bring plenty of crying towels for us so called whiners ! LOL
Denton Match

Hey Mike

Look forward to joining the fun with my little 6PPC. Couple of questions

What is the cost for both days
How much is lunch
Will the bench draw be Satutday Morning
Do we start shooting at 9 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday

And Tim needs to do push ups just cause !!!

I will be sure to bring plenty of crying towels for us so called whiners ! LOL

Match fee is $100 for both days...lunch is included

We will draw Sat am for bench - with start at 9 am Sat and 8 am Sun.

Remember to summit all winners targets for records
Also I have a proposal summited to make total x counts as a record to be voted at the nationals . So I would summit them to.

The submission process is outlined on the NBRSA website along w/ all the forms that can be down-loaded. There have been NO targets submitted yet, from any of the matches that have been shot so far.

Doug I will host the practice Friday, and be there around 9:00. David Williams will be there also, and if he is comming early I will provide an update. Look forward to every one comming.

Thanks Stewart and will be there btight and early at least setting up....

Is there any fee for the practice day ? Sometimes there has been
When VFS was first approved on a trial basis, there was only one class of rifle permitted (Heavy Varmint). I looked at the rule book and found the following:

1. RIFLES. There shall be 2 types (classes) of rifles used for score shooting.
(a) Hunter – definitions to follow
(b) Varmint – as previously defined in "B. Definitions" section 3. Heavy Varmint Rifle and 4. Light Varmint Rifle

Does this mean that now there is a Light Varmint Class permitted under NBRSA rules?

Are you sure NBRSA has a two-gun for VFS?

Ok a new year. Mar. 31st / Apr. 1st. Denton will hold our NBRSA VFS two day event. Sat. will be LV and Sun. HV. This may give those 6ppc whiners a little more opportunity!

Lunch will be provided both days (brisket and burgers).
Range open Friday for practice.
I'm asking our competators to unload their equipment and then park in the field north of the loading area. This will make us a much better traffic flow for the weekend and give people more room to move around the loading area. For those who have not been out for a while the club purchased the land just north of our range so we have much better parking.

Trophies by yardage, grand and two gun!
Our 4H team will be working the targets and hope to have some refershments on Sat. PM to help us relax and shoot the bull after the match.

If the wind performs as normal you won't need the Xs to win! Just shoot clean!
Any questions drop me a note or give the range a call. I'm looking for a record attendance - this should be a fun match - Dr. Tim will do one pushup for each person who beats him on each yardage or a quick exam (take the pushups!).

Are you sure NBRSA has a two-gun for VFS?

Yes there is a 2 gun. It is a 6X HBR rifle and a VFS rifle. Shot in the same venue, on the same match. There is NO LV/HV separation in VFS. All Varmint rifles compete in the same class, VFS. No matter what they weigh, no matter what caliber.
Creekwalker, NBRSA Varmint for Score will be fired with any Rifle that is legal to be fired in Class Heavy Varmint.

This includes Heavy Varmint, Light Varmint, Sporter, and HBR.

There is only one class of Varmint for Score in Registered NBRSA Competition. Our Region Director, Scott Hunter, explained to me that if you hold a Reistered NBRSA Varmint for Score Match, you cannot exclude any Rifle that is legal to be fired in Heavy Varmint.

From what Scott told me, and I am sure he told the Denton Club the same thing, you can hold a Light Varmint for Score Match, but if you Register it with the NBRSA, you must allow any Shooters who wish to shoot a legal HV to shoot as well.

Maybe David Halblom has some thoughts on this, he stays on top of this type of thing pretty well..........jackie
When VFS was first approved on a trial basis, there was only one class of rifle permitted (Heavy Varmint). I looked at the rule book and found the following:

1. RIFLES. There shall be 2 types (classes) of rifles used for score shooting.
(a) Hunter – definitions to follow
(b) Varmint – as previously defined in "B. Definitions" section 3. Heavy Varmint Rifle and 4. Light Varmint Rifle

Does this mean that now there is a Light Varmint Class permitted under NBRSA rules?


You need to read down little further Page 2, section 2 sub-section b. "b. All Varmint for Score rifles shall compete as 1 class, no matter what
weight class they compete in as Varmint rifles"

The section you quoted only refers to the definition and description of the rifles.

Doug, David told me he is going early and will be there at 8:00, so every one can shoot at that time which is as early as our club allows.
I do hope every one will come, and especially all the 6mms LVs we are trying to encourage to shoot score too.

There are many folks who cannot afford a different gun and I am sure the thinking about the LV was to help them. In Texas many have to drive a long way to a match and the way things are a two day match is a good thing, but the trouble is what to do. Register and have the rules, but a chance at a record or not register the LV and forgo the chance at a record. All this was planned and discussed at length with the complete understanding and support of the Regional Director but somehow we have lost sight of the fact that the club is not reducing the chance to shoot, you still have the HV registered shoot just like normal, plus a LV day.

As we stand in Texas 3 of our top match clubs are under threat from development and could easily be gone along with 90% or our shoots. Lets enjoy the sport while we can, so come on and join in and bring a new shooter. I am sure the match director will do everything he can to make you welcome, help you shoot, and make the weekend as good a value and fun as possible. I will be shooting a 6mm all weekend so bring your best and put the usual whooping on me.

Jackie I hope work allows you to come and have some fun too.

Well as things go, I won't be attending the match this weekend. The Mrs. and I have some personal business to attend to which is rather important when it comes to $$$$$.. Hope everyone has fun you have a good turn out..

Shoot Well